Tia Penelope

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Elena and Alex arriving home soaking wet was far from ideal, and yet her nephew also sulked on the couch. Both of her children were quite amused at their misadventure meaning neither were turned off of using public transportation. Alex's eyebrows shot up. "Did you know that the kid who socked Lance lives in this apartment?"

"Yes." Penelope smiled in amusement.

"What!" Lance sat up straight, but his eyes almost popped out of his head. "No, just, no."

"I think he was up on the roof," Elena blurted out. "Schneider was bringing him downstairs, but he was soaking wet."

"No surprise there." Lance shoved his hands into the pockets of his garrison uniform. "Always causing problems."

Penelope pointed her finger at Elena. "You shouldn't talk about others being soaking wet young lady. Shower, eat something, homework and then to bed."

"I've got the shower first!" Alex hurried off to the hallway which led away from the family area while Elena chased after him.

"Maybe we should invite the young man and his family over for dinner." Lydia bustled about in the kitchen preparing food.

"No! Abuela, please don't invite them over!" Lance slid down on the couch letting out a groan, but Penelope caught him rolling his eyes.

"Uh-uh." She pointed her finger at him. "Don't roll your eyes. More importantly, you and I are going to go and apologize for your part in today's incident."

"I didn't do anything! It's always Keith's fault! He's the one who..."

A quick glare from Penelope shut him up. Eventually, all of the children were in bed. "Do you think Lance did nothing?"

"I don't know mommy. The impression I was left with when I finished talking with the principle was that the other students at the garrison have gotten away with picking on Keith but pushing him to his breaking point." Penelope's mouth twisted slightly. Keith and his twin brother are being raised by their older brother. He's the young man we met today."

"That Shiro person? Wasn't nieto complaining about Keith getting special attention from this Shiro person."

"Yes." Penelope sighed. She found herself sighing the next day over her lunch in the office of the doctor's office she worked at. The fact her co-worker put his feet up on the table didn't help, but in reality, she worried if she'd made the right decision when she let Lance ride with Shiro and Keith. Lance seemed more excited about getting a ride with his idol rather than making friends with the young man who honestly needed a friend.

"Did you hear about the plane the garrison lost?"

One of Penelope's eyebrows shot up upon hearing what Scott said, but she remembered something Shiro said to her the night before. "You'll likely hear it on the news in the next few days, but my units returning flight didn't make it. Nobody survived..."

"It crashed." Scott brought his hand up and let it crash down while making the sound of an airplane taking off and crashing. "Nobody survived. It was all over the news last night."

She'd avoided the news because Lance was in trouble. Leslie let out a sigh. "Now, now. We shouldn't talk about that kind of thing where our patients could possibly hear." He glanced down at a piece of paper sticking to the sleeve of his white scrubs. "Oh yeah. Your niece called and wants to talk to you." Leslie looked up. "You didn't tell your niece was a doctor."

"I've mentioned it."

"I must have forgotten." Leslie's mouth twisted slightly.

"I didn't. Your niece is hot."

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