Welcome To The Untamed Worlds

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"I warned you"

Oliver woke up to groaning. Both, from himself and from others. Around him, people woke up, often in pain and groaning or like they just had the best sleep they've had in weeks.
A man in futuristic armor that looked severely damaged walked up to him. "Welcome. Why did you choose to join?"
"I...Where am I?" The man seemed to pity him. He looked down, shaking his head. "Should've read the contract. Do you know how servers...Or worlds work?" He asked Oliver.
"No...Not exactly." Oliver saw 3 others nearby, seeming to eavesdrop.
"They, have ages. Younger servers don't have completely established rules, making them easier to be in without many side effects. Our job is to try to survive in those young servers. There is no civilization. Our job is to tame as much of it as we can in a year."
Oliver looked at him and walked to the exit of the cave. It seemed like there had already been people here before. The man in the suit of armor followed him. "How generous..."

Oliver was an orphan.
He used to be a child prodigy, having his own tv show where he taught about technology and made many technological advancements. But he made a pretty bad mistake...And left after that. He went into hiding.
In his world, if you're alone, you are left alone. No one cares about you anymore. You only have yourself.

He eventually went from being an orphan to being an orphan and homeless.
And now, here he was, being taught how to make his own farm from scratch.
Now he is even more homeless than homeless...

From the distance, he saw people turn nothing into something. He wondered how many mistakes he would make before he died.

His first mistake was choosing to help build a plaza.

As Oliver, or Mumbo as he preferred to be called, placed down the stone for the plaza, the sun went down.
He noticed the animals had suddenly become restless, or, in the case of horses, grown quiet. He watched their behavior. Some of the others had taught him a few things about their body language.
They were scared. But of what?

Suddenly, an arrow flew past him. He looked at to make sure he didn't hallucinate.
"Ahh!" There was a terrible pain in his shoulder. He looked for the source but couldn't see well in the dark. Why didn't he bring torches?
He looked up the hill and a saw a light inside one of the houses. He rushed up the hill only to scream in more pain and fall over. An arrow had hit his leg. He screamed in more pain as one lodged itself in his torso. A girl ran out of one of the houses and Mumbo's eyes widened as he saw a human skull, it's eye sockets glowing with a green substance. Other skeletal parts scattered and he felt more adrenaline as an arm crawled towards a bow and arrow, seeming to grow weaker and weaker before the girl stomped on it. Something fell on Mumbo and he saw a human corpse on him. It reached to bite at his neck and repeatedly attacked him, biting at his pect but the girl from before cut the creature into multiple pieces, being sure to stomp on it as well.
"Can you walk?" She asked. Mumbo stood up began to fall over, only to be caught by the girl.
She smelled odd. Or...Was that Mumbo? From the walking corpse?
Mumbo began to feel himself faint. Things began to grow fuzzy as the girl laid him on her bed. Mumbo thought he saw her eyes glowing.

Everything was beginning to grow fuzzy...And weird...

He saw the girl look outside and turn off the lights. She seemed to be waiting for something. But Mumbo lost all coherent thought at that point...

World Of Minecraft: HermitCraft: Book 1: CarniaWhere stories live. Discover now