Chapter 5: Monsters

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As soon as Nia screamed, the giant spider above her let out a shriek of its own. Though as it began descending faster, she quickly withdrew one of her kunai before bending down and attempting to cut at the web. And even though the material was elastic enough so that it resisted her attempts at cutting it first, Nia eventually freed herself before jumping backwards in the direction that she'd come from in hopes of avoiding any more sticky parts of the web before the spider finally hit the ground and its feet started clicking against the floor as it turned to face her.

After managing to get away from the spider's ambush, Nia now stood awkwardly as a large piece of web was stuck underneath her sandal. But even if it was awkward, she knew that she would have to deal with it seeing as the spider was beginning to crawl towards her. Though while she thought that it might be a bit overkill, she didn't care at the moment as she withdrew a paper bomb before wrapping it around the hilt of the kunai that she already had in her hand and throwing the weapon at the spider. And after adding a small amount of her chakra to the paper bomb, it detonated shortly after the blade pierced one of the spider's eyes which resulted in a small explosion that she hoped would be enough to kill the spider yet not enough so that it would collapse the chamber. And while the explosion luckily wasn't enough to damage the surroundings, Nia now had to dodge several times as pieces of bug shot through the room while coating both the walls and floor in green goo.

"Eww..." Nia couldn't help but to complain as the spider had splattered everywhere, though at least it wasn't trying to eat her now and she carefully walked around the chamber while both keeping an eye out for more spiders as well as any of the sticky spots on the webs so that she wouldn't get caught again. And thankfully she made it this time without any incidents before she touched the next door and it opened just like the last one had. But while she'd been dreading what would be past it, she breathed a sigh of thanks as there weren't any cobwebs past the door, only an empty hallway which was, once again, completely dark. However, once she took only a few steps inside, that changed entirely as her torch seemed to detonate slightly with the sparks flying into the air and beginning to light hanging jar-like lamps that were suspended by chains from the ceiling. And while she had no idea what was going on, she couldn't help but be startled as the process seemed to be too much for some of the now swinging lamps as several of them fell from the ceiling and shattered on the ground, making whichever oil that had been inside of them spread across the floor in scattered infernos before the oil burned up and the fires extinguished only seconds after they'd been set.

"Okay, don't want to be under one of those when they fall..." Nia spoke to herself while hoping that none of the chains holding the jar lamps would suddenly break while she was passing underneath them. However, as what sounded like multiple creatures snarling echoed throughout the hallway from in front of her, she figured that the fire might be the least of her worries. Though after waiting for several minutes with nothing coming towards her in the hallway, she began to move forward again while still carrying her torch with her seeing as she didn't know if she'd be needing it again or not before the hallway turned and she came face to face with another door. And seeing as the others had opened noisily, she cringed as these doors opened as well and the stone grating against the floor seemed even more intense to her than before seeing as she didn't know what had made the snarling sounds from earlier.

Walking through the newly opened door hesitantly as a cold rush of fresh air blew past her, Nia moved slowly as she walked out onto a stone catwalk that passed through the direct middle of a giant chamber that not only had more bird statues on the walls, but what looked like stone sarcophagus as well. However, it appeared that this place had been visited by grave robbers before seeing as there were several of the sarcophagus that had the lids off of them and were empty. And thankfully, while she'd been worried about it at first seeing as the hallway had been separated from the room by the door, it appeared that all of the braziers and lamps in this room were ignited as well, even if their light didn't cover all of it. And speaking of light coverage, most of the catwalk that Nia was currently on was covered in shadow. And that was unfortunate since there seemed to be the silhouette of someone in front of her, who she guessed was most likely her captor.

"Hey, why did you bring me here?!" Nia yelled at the person as she demanded to know what they wanted with her. However, rather than speaking, the person only coughed like they'd gotten something stuck in their throat before they turned around and Nia's eyes grew wide as the creature started walking forward.

While she'd thought that it was originally a human do to its shape, Nia soon learned that the creature in front of her wasn't a human at all, but rather looked like a zombie that had glowing blue eyes and wielded a giant axe made out of some kind of black metal. And as it turned around so that it could see her, the creature let out some kind of hoarse battle cry, raising its ax above its head several times in quick succession before it started running towards her.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you!" Nia cried while now turning to run away as she realized that, not only was this thing a creature, but it was more than double her size as well. In fact, it looked even taller than the adult shinobi that she knew and its axe looked sharp too despite being covered in rust. But as she turned around, she stopped abruptly when the stone door that she'd just opened suddenly slammed shut and the sound of breaking stone began to fill the room from beneath her. And despite the giant zombie being just a short ways away, Nia couldn't help but to look down to see that more zombies were kicking their way out of the sarcophagus with each of them being very armed and very angry.

"I'm sorry I raided your tomb! It wasn't on purpose!" Nia cried again, though seeing as the zombie didn't slow down after the apology, she pulled a kunai out of the pouch at her side and prepared to fight it. And while she was almost frozen in fear as this was the first time she was seeing real combat other than the spider which she'd just blasted apart, thankfully the zombie swung its axe in both an extravagant and slow fashion which allowed her to easily step to the side of the weapon as it crashed into the catwalk where she'd been standing before. But now, seeing as the door had shut and she didn't seem to have any way of escaping, she moved to the side of the zombie and stabbed it in its skeletal rib cage with her kunai, though she could only just barely reach it seeing as the giant zombie was so tall. And whether it was due to the fact that she was too short and the attack was at an awkward angle or if her weapon was simply ineffective, the kunai didn't do anything before the creature let go of its axe with one of its hands and attempted to backhand her with it. However, while being hit most likely would have sent her flying off of the catwalk and into the awaiting horde of zombies below, she quickly ducked underneath of the limb so that she could avoid that particular fate.

After thinking about gravity, Nia now tackled the zombie's waist in hopes of pushing it off of the catwalk, and while the creature was much larger than her, it thankfully didn't appear to be that heavy as her attempt succeeded and it fell to its comrades below who had gathered beneath her while making croaking noises. But as the creature fell, Nia followed its decent before she spotted something that could save her as there was jar-lantern hanging from beneath the catwalk. And as she spotted it, she followed the chain holding it in place until she realized that its base was only a few feet away from her.

Walking over to where the chain was attached to a ring sticking out of the stone of the catwalk, Nia immediately reversed her grip on her kunai before she began beating the ancient metal with the blunt-end of her weapon. Though while the kunai might not have been designed for such a thing, the metal was weak enough that her efforts thankfully paid off as the ring shattered and the chain was released. And not even a second later, the sound of a shattering jar accompanied by the roaring of an inferno indicated the the jar had fallen. Which, after she checked to make sure, had covered the entire horde of zombies that had gathered below her.

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