Chapter 9: Shelter

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Walking inside of the stone room hesitantly while heading towards the brazier which was currently providing the warmth that she so desperately wanted, Nia's eyes never left the sleeping man's form who was currently laying at the side of the room on what looked like a bedroll that was made out of animal hides. Though before she even reached the fire, she knew that it would be unlikely for him to get up seeing as he appeared to have a massive gash on his left side which covered the left half of his stomach in blood. And while she would normally be more concerned than she was currently was at the man's wound, she was also cautious as, even though he was laying down, Nia could tell that he was a giant at least three times her height. And besides, seeing as she was having difficulty moving her fingers anyway, she knew that she wouldn't be able to help him until she warmed herself.

"G-Galmar..." The man shifted in his sleep, and even from where she was standing across the room from him, Nia could tell from the man's condition that he had a fever which most likely indicated an infection from his wound. Well, either that, or he was just sick and the wound was completely separate. And after roughly ten minutes of warming herself by the coals of the fire, Nia finally regained enough movement in her hands to walk over to a nearby stack of firewood before adding another log to the quickly darkening fire. And after that, she finally moved towards the man cautiously seeing as she saw that there was a giant sword next to him that seemed to be made from iron with a dagger still in its sheath at his hip.

Hefting on the hilt of the giant sword and grunting as she attempted to pick it up, Nia could barely even lift the weapon as she hauled it over to the other side of the room so that the man wouldn't be able to use it easily. And after resting its blade on the ground and letting the hilt fall into a small nook in the wall so that it wouldn't fall over, Nia moved back towards the man and slowly drew his knife, watching for any signs that he was beginning to wake up before she took the blade and placed it beside the man's sword. But seeing as the man was disarmed now and she couldn't see any other hidden weapons, she finally felt safe enough to walk to the man's other side so that she could inspect his wound more closely.

Having helped her mom at Konoha's hospital frequently, Nia knew a stab wound when she saw one. Though while her mother would normally be able to fix it with just medical ninjutsu alone, Nia's use of it was significantly less as she only knew how to heal light wounds and stratches. So rather than using medical ninjutsu to heal him, she would have to use more basic first aid in hopes that it would be enough. And as for why she was going to attempt to heal him in the first place... Well, giant or not, this was the first person that she'd seen in this world and she wanted answers almost as much as she wanted company. However, with her mind resolved to help the man, she immediately came across her first obstacle. And that was the fact that the man was covered in some kind of strange armor made of small metal links that had a blue tabard covering them. Chain-mail, if she'd recalled correctly. Though she'd only read about it in books before seeing as she didn't know any current ninja that actually used the noisy armor.

After searching and not finding a way to remove the armor from either the front or sides, Nia now heaved as she attempted to roll the man over, finding that his body was even heavier than she'd expected before she finally accomplished her task and saw the chainmail was one solid peice of equipment. And after staining more as she attempted to pull it off of him, she eventually forced him to roll over on his back again so that she was able to take the rest off. Though once she managed this and laid the armor to the side, she was finally able to begin preparations as she cut at the dirty brown shirt that had been underneath the armor so that she had clear access to the wound, but this was only one step of many as she turned and examined the room again for things that she could use.

Other than the man and the brazier, there was a table on the other side of the room which had implements on it that she'd never seen before and an old looking cloth banner of some kind that hung from the ceiling just over the entrance. But other than that, there was nothing. So, fortunately for the injured man, she already had everything that she needed on her. Though with the only bowl that she had, it would take a while for her to heat up the proper amount of water that she would need.

Withdrawing a storage scroll out of her satchel, this wasn't the first time that Nia was thankful to her father for teaching her a small amount of fuinjutsu as she withdrew all of her emergency supplies that she always kept inside of it. And so, with a series of puffs of smoke, everything that she'd planned to take on her missions appeared in front of her. Including a tent, sleeping roll, cooking set, first aid kit, a small stockpile of food pills, a few packs of spare shuriken and a pack of fuinjutsu supplies that had paper, ink and quills inside of it. However, it was only the cooking set that she needed now as she grabbed a small pan and took a deep and warm breath before she walked back outside into the blizzard so that she could scoop up some of the snow with it.

Shivering slightly from the cold as she still hadn't recovered from being in it before, Nia was quick to walk back inside before she put the pan on the coals of the brazier, immediately thankful that it burned wood instead of oil seeing as it wouldn't work then before she returned her attention to the injured man and dragged her first aid kit towards him. And after making him turn on his side while he groaned from the pain in his sleep, she attempted to inspect the wound and look past all of the dried blood around it to see if anything was still trapped inside. Though after a thorough examination, while there didn't seem to be anything foreign inside of the wound, she discovered that he'd been pierced completely through before she had to cut away the back part of his shirt as well. And after she was finished clearing away any cloths from the injuries while attempting to keep as much clothing on the man as possible so that he didn't freeze immediately if the fire went out, she walked back to the brazier to pick up her boiling water before she dipped the rag that came with the first aid kit in it and started clearing away the dried blood. 

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