Chapter 11: Information

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"Sooo... I'm in Skyrim, which is a country that's a part of a continent that's called Tamriel?" Nia asked.

"That's right." Ralof agreed from his bedroll, which Nia had thankfully managed to force him back into while he healed.

"I've never heard of either before... And I don't suppose that you would know where they are compared to the Land of Fire, would you?" She asked hopefully.

"The only place that might be called the Land of Fire in Tamriel is Morrowind... Or perhaps you can even call Oblivion that, but believe me when I say that you're not from either. Naturally, anyway." Ralof answered. "But still, I've never met anyone so lost before... How could you not even know about Tamriel?"

"Because it wasn't listed in any of the geography books that they forced us to read at the academy, that's why." Nai harrumphed after explaining herself.

"And you don't know about any of the races either, so either you've somehow been sheltered from common knowledge for your whole life or you're just an idiot." Ralof continued.

"You're injured and your weapons are across the room right now while I'm completely armed, so I'd watch your mouth before calling me an idiot again." Nia threatened with as scary of smile as she could manage before sighing to herself. "Geez. If I would have known that you would be this unhelpful, I would have just left you to rot..."

"Well I'm glad that you made a mistake then." Ralof laughed for some reason before becoming quiet and looking at her. "I don't suppose that you have any food in that satchel of yours, do you? It'd be a shame if you saved my life only for me to starve."

"Hey, aren't you being really needy to the person you just tried to strangle?" Nia asked while getting up and walking over towards her supplies which she'd set on the room's table before she withdrew one of her food pills. "Here. Swallow this and drink some water while you're at it."

"What is it?" Ralof asked while sniffing the green ball that she'd given him.

"It's called a food pill. My village uses them as nutrient supplements so that ninja don't have to eat while out on the field." She explained. "Each one will give you enough energy to feel like you've eaten three meals and it'll revitalize you. But if you eat too many of them, then they'll have a side-effect of making you feel completely exhausted eventually. So much so that you can't even move anymore."

"Hmm... Sounds useful, but I doubt the taste will make anyone want to try them." Ralof commented after sniffing it.

"Believe me, you will suffer if you try to chew it." Nia warned. "Best to just swallow the whole thing. That's what they're designed for, after all."

"Better then nothing, I suppose." Ralof eventually decided to give in before he popped the pill in his mouth and reached down to take Nia's pan that still had some water inside of it before drinking. "So. Since you're lost, where do you plan to go from here?"

"I have no idea where I'm supposed to go. That's the problem." Nia explained. "Though I guess that I should start by looking for civilization."

"If that's the case, then come with me tomorrow and I'll lead you to Dawnstar." Ralof offered. "I need to pay back the debt that I owe you for saving my life anyway, so it's the least that I can do to lead you there."

"Is there anything like a library there so that I can try to find my way home?" Nia asked hopefully.

"From what I've heard, the closest thing that they had to a library was a museum there, but it was destroyed when the Imperials raided and burned down half of the city." Ralof answered with disgust obvious in his tone.

"They burned down a city?" Nia asked in concern. "Are they invaders or something? Is that why you asked if I was one?"

"Yes, they're invaders. But I didn't think that you were one of them just because you didn't know about the land." Ralof answered. "You're small, so it's obvious to anyone that you're a foreigner and that's what most of the legion is. Foreigners who think that they own Skyrim and can control both the land and its people."

"Hey, I'm only twelve." Nia replied begrudgingly. "I'm going to get taller when I grow up."

"You're seriously twelve?" Ralof laughed. "For a Nord like me, even a child who's only seen eight summers would be taller than you."

"Eh? Really?" Nia asked, though after remembering that Ralof was a giant, she supposed that it made sense.

"Really." He confirmed. "But since you don't know about any of our lands or races, how did you even find yourself here? And dressed like that, no less."

"Believe me when I say that, if I'd known that I would be walking right into the middle of a blizzard, I would have worn heavier clothing." She answered with a sigh. "But as for how I got here, I was walking through an alley my village when I was blinded by a bright light. And before I knew it, I woke up on a cold stone altar and had to fight past zombies and giants spiders just to suddenly find myself in the middle of the snow storm outside."

"You just woke up there, eh?" Ralof asked thoughtfully. "It could be the work of mages, and this certainly wouldn't be the first time that they've ever taken somebody for use in their... experiments..."

"Mages? As in magic?" Nia asked doubtfully. "Is there really a group of people abducting people while thinking that they can use magic?"

"Thinking that they can- Girl, do you not even know about magic?" Ralof asked in disbelief.

"Oh, I know about magic. And I also know that it's a load of crap... pardon my language." Nia replied.

"I don't know which land you came from, but here in Tamriel, magic is very real. Let me tell you." Ralof stated before lifted his left hand out of his bedroll and Nia was surprised as a small ball of fire began to glow from the center of it. "If there's no magic, then what do you call that?"

"It's chakra, of course." Nia harrumphed as she held out her right hand in a half-sign and began using a small amount of medical ninjutsu so that it glowed green. "See? I can do it too."

"Then perhaps what your land calls 'chakra' and what Tamriel calls magic are similar." Ralof explained. "Though I'm certainly no expert in the matter. You'll have to find a mage for that."

"If you're not a 'mage', then why do you know how to do magic in the first place." Nia continued to be doubtful. Though, there actually could be a separate thing called magic too... She guessed that anything was possible seeing as this was a land that she very much doubted that anyone from her village knew of and that they would most likely have techniques all their own.

"I might not be a mage, but everyone here knows how to create fire to some degree." Ralof explained. "Be it fire or a weapon, without even one of them, you won't last long in Skyrim. As I'm sure your trip to a tomb and your stroll through the storm has taught you."

"Well, I guess you've got me there." Nia admitted. "However, on a different topic, I don't think that you should be moving tomorrow. Let's at least wait a few days for you to recover before heading out. Alright?"

"Not a chance." Ralof replied immediately. "While I'm here, my brothers and sisters are dying, so I need to go as soon as I can."

"You won't be able to help them if you die on the way." Nia replied, though she'd seen enough stubborn people to know that no words she would use could stop him from going. "But seeing as your going to go anyway, I'll do what I can to heal you tomorrow morning and we can leave. But for now, just try to get as much sleep as you can because you're going to need it."

"Yeah... thanks." Ralof replied before becoming quiet as he closed his eyes in order to sleep. And after another few pieces of firewood on the brazier, Nia followed his example by climbing into her own bedroll, wanting to be as rested and as prepared as possible for whatever this new land held for her. Because just going off of Ralof's words alone, Skyrim sounded like a dangerous place to be.

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