Mikey Goes Missing

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"What are you doing!" Gerard yelled as Bob pulled him down the maze of passages. "Let go of me and tell me what's going on! Where have you been? How did you get out of that cell? Where's Frank?"

Gerard continued to fire questions at him as Bob dragged him along, still slightly too dazed to stop him.

"Shut up, Gee! We have to get back to the dungeon," Bob replied as they ran.
"Dungeon?" Gerard demanded pulling harder against him. "What are the pair of you up to?"

Bob sighed as at last they reached the dungeon and, pushing the entrance aside, he shoved Gerard through into the comparatively brightly lit room. Gerard stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Frank tied to the rack.

"What the fuck...!" Gerard was aghast at the sight.

Turning he faced Bob, backing off a couple of paces to find his own ground.

"You better not think you can do that to me, Bryar!"
"Gerard, just shut up and sit down!" Bob ordered. "We need to..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Bob sighed in irritation as Gerard ran to Frank's side and started untying his left hand.

"No you don't!" Bob shouted. It was bad enough having one of them who wouldn't listen to him without two.

Grabbing Gerard around the arms and waist, Bob dragged him back away from Frank. The knot had partially been untied and it wouldn't be long before Frank could work it loose enough to free his hand. He still had to untie his other hand and both ankles yet though, but Bob realised he probably only had a few minutes to silence the very vocal and struggling Gerard. There was only one way to do this. Dragging Gerard over to the iron maiden, Bob pushed the front open with his foot and shoved Gerard inside. As he closed the front section, Gerard's eyes widened and he screamed in terror. Behind them, despite knowing how it operated, Frank held his breath.

All of Gerard's sounds silenced within moments of the maiden closing, in fact at that precise moment, the only sound was Bob's breathing, which came in heavy gasps as he forcefully calmed himself. The next sound came from within the casket.

"I hate you, Bryar!"

Even Frank laughed at the sound of Gerard's voice; so indignant and embarrassed.

"Yeah, I know you do, but can you just shut up and help out here? We have a very real problem!"
"Yeah," Gerard agreed, unaware that he was the problem.

Bob turned his head to look at Frank. He had released his left hand and was, unexpectedly awaiting Bob's approval to free himself. Bob gave a brief tired nod before opening the iron maiden to let Gerard out, offering him a conciliatory smile as he did so.

"You better have a good reason for this, Bob," he grumbled as he moved past him to assist Frank in untying his ankles.
"I do," Bob replied, gravely, "and you're it."
"Me?" Gerard straightened up and turned back to stare at the drummer.
"Yeah, I just stopped you from killing yourself."
"What?" The pitch of Gerard's voice raised several tones as he conveyed his disbelief. "What game are you playing now?"

Frank kicked off the last of the ropes and joined the others an expression of confusion that almost mirrored Gerard's own.

"I'm not playing any games!" Bob insisted. "You were in the kitchen sobbing your heart out, by the time I got there you were about to push a knife straight into your chest!"
"I'm not falling for that!" Gerard snapped. "I don't know what you're trying..."
"Was it the large bladed cook's knife?" Frank asked quietly. "And was he sat at the table?"

Bob turned disbelieving eyes towards Frank.

"How do you know?"
"Oh, please!" Gerard rolled his eyes. "Great double act, well rehearsed and all, but..."
"Shut up and listen, Gee!" Bob snapped. "I'm serious! If you want proof, I can give you it, it's all recorded on tape."

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