Part 7(C)

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Both stood facing each other holding their breaths, they didn't know what reaction to expect from the opposite person. Khushi was the first one to react among the both, she took a step backward holding NK's hand making herself as a shield to the boy. But looking at the lady in front of them it surely didn't look like she was going to harm them, her clothes were torn and she looked like someone who was starving since ages. Praying to the Almighty she moved forward to have a clear look at the lady and gasped once the realization dawned. It was PAYAL, holding herself up against the tree, eyes drooping, her right hand was bleeding the left held the dress at waist tightly as if holding something in there. Khushi couldn't comprehend the reason behind Payal being in that state at that moment in the woods. Her state surely didn't appear to be of someone who can harm them so she took slow steps to reach Payal.


She whimpered, her hand was being examined and she was dragged slowly to the other side, but she has no energy left in her to shout or make an escape. In her hurry to escape she didn't look where she was heading after jumping down the van and had a very bad fall injuring her right hand which started bleeding as the hard rocks cut through the skin of her elbow. She has no energy left in her to fight back.


Khushi felt something hard under her palm and looked down to see the mobile lying out from Payal's hold. She grabbed it hurriedly with trembling hands and tried to operate it, she has Lavanya's number written on her palm but when she looked at it to type the number she was irked to find the number erased due to the sweat with all running she did. She gave a defeated look to NK but one look at him, seeing his condition made her look for options to try and escape. She frantically tried to remember the number but it seems the battery is low and she can't waste it by keep guessing and calling random people until she gets connected to the correct number. She gave a frustrated sigh and tried waking up Payal so that she may help them with any contact of her's who can come to help them at this time of night.

Contacts, Oh yes contacts, why didn't she think about them before? as she opened the contact list she was surprised to see it blank, there was no number saved on the mobile, switching it off she sat beside NK trying to cool her mind and think of other ways to escape. She did have Arnav's number noted in mind but it wouldn't help, would it? Now that her friend is safe should she try calling cops? Somehow it didn't look appealing so she tried remembering Lavanya's. After almost what seemed like ages she could confirm on one particular sequence of numbers and tried it but seems like luck wasn't favoring her as there was no signal in her phone.

Pocketing it she helped Payal to stand up and tried to move towards the outer circle of the woods, there is no way she can leave them and go looking for a better place which has network accessibility. Finally, the almighty heard her prayers, she could connect to Lavanya.


"How is she?" he wasn't sure if he would be able to look at her injured or suffering.

"She is fine Arnav, but I would need an explanation on this, what is happening here? Don't you trust me enough to share it, I waited this long because I didn't see the need to probe into your personal life without your acceptance but I guess now I have the right to question you, at least after seeing all this." she tried to be calm and composed but after all this as much as she tries to act nonchalant it is hurting her further that she is not trusted upon by her own friend, oh who she is to blame, isn't Rohan too hiding something from her, looks like everyone around her trying to treat her as someone with no brains to understand rather than follow their orders or pleas, everything seems connected but she is not able to trace the lines.

"Please La, not now, I owe you the explanation and I would but not now" rubbing his face he sat down limply.

She can see he was tired and didn't question further, handing a coffee cup she left him to decide further what has to be done.


"Saheb, they escaped."

"Good, finally the game is in full swing, why don't we get some popcorn and enjoy" the pleasure in his voice is easily traceable.

"Saheb, but they would come back here and it is trouble for us, isn't it?"

"Oh, come on, let them, but I would like to see what Arnav would do next, he sure isn't that innocent as he looks, but poor Khushi she took so much trouble running into woods and all that but it was fun to see her thinking she was successful in getting NK out, while all the time we are aware of her every move."

"Yes Saheb," he was not aware what his boss has in mind but saying a yes and accepting whatever he has to say would always be best.

"How far is Arnav's trip successful?" he steered the conversation to the main point.

"He is still stuck, there is no way he going to find out anything" he proudly said.

"YOU Moroon, there is so much time wasted I can't wait anymore, I'm waiting for the day to come to see him defeated, and in all means, I would help him reach it faster" his sickening smile was back.


By the time he reached home and put his phone on the charge he was exhausted, so let the phone to charge he simply slept off, not checking for any messages or calls. He did wait for Khushi to make an appearance at the bus stand for him but he was disappointed, lately, he started wanting her presence near him all the time, was this because he started feeling an emotional connect with her or is it because they are connected with the all the events in a twisted manner or is it because of them spending a lot of time together, he wasn't sure and there is no rush to find out too, don't they have a lifetime to think about it? Hold on Hold on what was he even thinking? Lifetime? where did this come from? Whatever it is, for now, he is happy with their relationship and once all the mess is cleared up he would have her sit with him and discuss the future. With these running in mind, he never knew when he slipped into sleep.

It was close to 4 in the evening when he finally decided to go meet Khushi because there was no call from her since morning that is when he checked his phone and found missed calls from the shop from yesterday and few calls from La and a message asking him to visit her once he is free and there is nothing to worry. Finding it suspicious he fled to her house and there he found Khushi, a boy close to eight years and... and was she Payal? what was she doing there? All of them sleeping to their heart's content with the help of the medicine, while La sat there looking at him giving him a heated glance, waiting to pounce on him and she did once he came over his shocked stance and questioned her about Khushi's wellbeing.



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