Chapter 12

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"My baby!" Marty screamed while Zack tried to console her.

The commotion caused Cole to leave Starr's bedside and come to Brianna's room to see what was going on.

"Mom, what's happened?"

"Your sister is missing!"

"Nurse! Nurse!" Cole called out as he pushed the call button.

The nurse ran into Brianna's room when she saw the call light on, "Did you need...."

"My daughter is gone from her bed!" Marty told the nurse.

"She must have gone for tests?" the nurse assumed. "I'll go check to see if there were any tests scheduled to be done."

A few minutes later, the nurse came back to report that no tests were scheduled.

"So, my daughter is missing!" Marty told the nurse.

"We're looking into it." The nurse told Marty. "The police have been notified about your daughter."

Jesse Hubbard came into Brianna's room to get details about Brianna's disappearance.

Meanwhile, Greenlee picked up Brianna from the car seat as she headed inside the cabin with the little girl.

"Sh-h-h-h!" Greenlee said to the tot. "Mama's here!"

(Coming: Jesse, Zack and Marty search for Brianna, Cole and Starr, despite their concern for Brianna, have a passionate reunion, and Greenlee falls deeper into despair.)

A Brand New Life: Love, Lust and Lies in Pine Valley (A Zack & Marty Romance)Where stories live. Discover now