The End?

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So here it is, another part of this story. It took me some time to write it and a lack of motivation came back but now I am finally back to writing. I cannot do it that frequently because I am also doing many other things and also there is school so yeah...I only hope you guys are not too mad about this ans I hope this chapter will have as good quality as the others. Now, enjoy the story!

*your POV *

You were standing at the end of the hall leading towards a big door. You arrived at the location Kibau gave you. There were two guards, just as he told you.

>Lets get over with this. < you quietly whispered to yourself as you quietly ran behind a nearby pillar. You knew you will have to be quick. There was probaly someone nearby that will inform the rest of the guild. You were strong but also knew your limitations. You couldn't face the whole guild by yourself. You turned your ankle on the outside and took a big breath. Then you attacked. You spinned on the hall on your left and threw your sword against the guard on the right. He got hit into left shoulder as you ran against him. The other one, more muscular pulled his heavy sword out as you arrived to the right guard. You jumped and grabbed your sword, pulling it out while kicking him away. You were just enough quick to block the other one. Thr hit was hard, but you negated it. Then you crouched and roll on his right, stabbing him into back of his knee. He fell on the ground as you saw injured guard running towards the door. You tried to catch him, but you got pulled to the ground. The panic grabs you. You couldn't leave the other to inform the others. But you had no choice. You kicked the guard back, but he quickly got into position. He swung, but you easly dodged it and cut his right hand. He moaned and tried to attack again. This time you used more force to knock his sword down into the ground. He left the sword and pulled out a rapier. But it seemed familiar to you.

>That is...Asuna's sword. Give it back you fool! <

>Sorry, no go my friend! I wouldn't leave a legendary weapon behind. Lets see what it can do! <

Saying that he activated the special skill. But something went wrong for him. His arm suddenly started burninh and you realised why. Asuna was used to it and has learned how to control it. But this guy just released it at full power. He began to scream as the skill started to eat his life away. You used this chance. You weren't thinking. You just stabbed him. And again. And again. Until he shattered. You just killed him. But you weren't sad or shocked. You only thought about one thing.

>RAGEE!!! < you yelled as you picked up rapier and ran towards the door. You broke through them as you saw the other guy trying to reach the next ones. You ran at inhuman speed to catch up to him. Just as he closed the door you bumped into them and stabbed him on the next side with the rapier. You weren't thinking. You just yelled again and cut him on half with your other sword.

*Asuna's POV*

I watched half in terror and half in excitement as Y/N cut that guy on half. The shadow was lying on his eyes as he jumped. There was like 50 men in there and he couldn't beat them all.

He landed right in the middle as a huge cloud of smoke rised. I lost my sight off him and some men. All I could see were sparks and sound of weapons hitting each other. There were also screams. Then the cloud suddenly spread out and I saw the reason. Y/N swung so hard that it disappeared and two of the guildsmen shattered with it. He was wielding his and my sword as well. He looked straight at me and gritted his teeth. In his eyes there was pure anger.

*your POV*

Seeing Asuna in a state she was hurt more than anything. It made you even angrier. A guy approached from your left. You blocked his hit with the rapied and cut with your sword. Then you repeated the same combination, but in different order. Then you cut him with both weapons. Then stabbed. Then kicked. And cut again. The guy only powerlessly screamed as he shattered. You only said one word;

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