The dancing warrior

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Hello guys, I am here with another chapter of this story. I am sorry for not updating a lot recently, but I just didn't manage to do it. I hope that in future, I will manage to write more, but one part per week/five days is I guess quite a lot. And also, sorry for all mistakes, the problem is that I sometimes tap wrong letter because of my fast writting. But anyway, let get to the story.

*Asunas' POV*

I was still a little mad about Y/N being so reckless. He went fighting that monster and he still doesn't want to tell me why. That bothers me so much. But, anyway, I decide to go and visit him because he is fighting a floor boss today and I want to wish him good luck. But I have that strange feeling that something will go wrong.

Soon I teleport to his cottage. I knock on a door a few times. There was no respond.

»How can he be still sleeping?« I ask myself and try to open a door. On my suprise, they were already open. I walk in and call Y/N. Again, no respond. Then I start to get worried as I see he is not in a bed either.

»What if they got him? What if they killed him?« I start to panic. That wasn't my habit, but it just came to me. I run on the balcony, watching around. And then I sigh in relief.

There he was, on the backyard, where we were training. I see him doing something I had never seen before.

»Why is he...dancing???« I think to myself in my mind. Well, he wasn't actually dancing, it just looked like he was. He was doing pirouettes and was moving his hands weirdly. Then he notices me.

*your POV*

You can clearly see that there was Asuna on the balcony. You blush a little. She waves and you wave back, then I go to my cottage so I can hear what she was doing here.

Soon we meet in my living room, as we wish good morning to each other.

»Hey Asuna, what are you doing here?«

»Well, I wanted to wish you good luck for today. But because you didn't respond, I got worried. What were you doing there?«

»Thanks, that is really nice of you. Well, I was doing my concentration ritual, that is all.« she makes confused expression.

»I didn't know you do that stuff. I thought that know, just rush to the battle reclessly.«

»You just can't forget that phoenix fight, can you? Well, no matter how it looks, I always do this before any fight, that is my fighting style.«

*Asunas' POV*

When he says that, I remember his fight with Kibaou. His moves did indeed look like he was dancing, I just didn't notice it back then. And since then, I didn't see him fight for real.

»But when we are fighting, you never use this tehnique.«

»That is because I don't want to go on full power agains you. We were training, remember?«

»What? Seriously?« That offended me a bit. Does he think that I can't fight him when he fights for real?

»Yeah, I don't want to take your self-esteem away from you by defeating you so easly.«

»What?!? I will show you how wrong you are!« I get really angry. He does underestimate me.

»But, what about the boss?«

»Forget about it. When I beat you, I will go with you, get it?«

»Well, okay, but only if you win, which, for your safety, I won't let happen.« he answers calmly. I now grow mad, and I go outside, where I am going to fight him.

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