Chapter Twenty Three

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Still locked in the bunker, Cry Baby read tons of things about DEMA.
She still doesn't know where it's located.
No one knows where DEMA is located.
Lost journal entries were found.
Tiana had photocopied some letters from certain people who escaped DEMA and some who are still are trapped.
One letter came from a little boy.
His name was Ned.
Ned Bayou.
This letter was typed on a typewriter.

Today they closed the west door, leaving east up. East is the only door open right now. I was sent to work to make more explosives and it honestly gave me really bad trauma. Bishop 7 gave me a little extra bit of food today. I was really thankful for that.

My friend Clancy is gone. I don't know where he went. He wasn't in his room, or his "jail cell", as I call it. He wasn't there for role call. Nico went out trying to find him but came back empty handed with his big white horse. I fear that horse. I fear any horse. I fear... everything.

My mind has changed a lot since entering DEMA. It's been weird. I sometimes skip role call and just sit in my room, all alone, and look at the cracked paint on the dusty walls. I think I have depression. I feel really lost and scared and sad all the time.

Keons, another bishop (my favorite bishop), offered me some pills that helped with sadness and anxiety but I declined it... I really want that pill right now. My mouth is watering for some good turkey, potatoes, fruits, anything. We have none of that in DEMA. But until then, remember: east is up.


Ned Bayou was killed.
His journal entries were spreading around outside of DEMA.
The Bishops didn't want anyone to know anything about DEMA.
They didn't want the way they treated people to be spread around.
They didn't want anything spread around.

Cry Baby felt suspicion.
She is thinking Blurryface came from DEMA.
His name in DEMA was Tyler Joseph.
What happened to Tyler?

Cry Baby sat on her bunk bed, thinking of all the things going on.
She was lost in a zone.
The feeling of someone's arm tapping her shoulder made her soul practically jump out of her body.
She turned around and found a stranger.
It was a boy.
A boy with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes.
He was pretty pale.
He was tall, too.

"Hey, you know that guy... with the weird black neck and hands? I see you always with him and I just wanted to talk with you about him."
The guy forced himself to sit down without asking.
"Um, s-sure. W-what do you want to k-know?"
Cry Baby stuttered, feeling nervous.
"Well, first of all, my names Brendon."
He says.
"Okay, my names... uh..."
Cry Baby was embarrassed to say her name.
She hated telling people her name.
She wasn't "Melanie" she was Cry Baby.
"Cry Baby."
Brendon didn't seem to react to it.
"I've heard a lot of weird names, don't worry."
Brendon gave a smirk that disappeared almost instantly.

They started whispering about Blurryface and how weird and suspicious he is.
Cry Baby loved him and felt comfortable around him but also... she didn't.
She didn't know if she trusted "Blurryface".
She wanted Tyler.
What if Blurryface wanted Melanie?

Cry Baby also told Brendon things about DEMA.
Brendon had a friend that was in DEMA and he escaped.
Brendon sadly lost all contact with that friend of his.
The weird thing was... his name was Josh.
Spooky... he said his real name was Josh.
Did Josh turn into just his own insecurities like Tyler did?

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