Chapter Seventeen

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Was my life spinning in one big circle?
Round and round...
Like a horse on a carousel.
Will I ever catch up to love?

Cry Baby held the knife in her hand tightly.
A steak knife.
She was walking back to her house.
Her neighborhood is close to being on fire.
The fire was only a few miles away from the first house.
Firetrucks were annoying everyone.
But at least they were saving people.

Cry Baby had the knife in her hand to defend herself if anyone, including her family, tried hurting her.
Blurryface was still asleep back at home.
She hoped he wouldn't wake up.
Then he'd wonder where she was and get anxious.

Cry Baby paced up her families driveway and got to the front door.
She unlocked the door with the code 7617.
When she opened the door the first thing she smelt was alcohol and blood.
She looked around the kitchen floor and saw a bloody blanket on top of two dead bodies.
Cry Baby gagged as she looked at them.
She knew exactly who those people were.
Her father and his slut.
She couldn't look at them anymore.
She turned her head and saw her mother standing by the dinner table.
She was drunk.
She could barely keep balance.
The bottle of vodka locked in her fingers.

"I... t-thought I-I told... you... not to l-leave."
Cry Baby's drunken mother says.
"I always want to leave. You are the worst mother ever."
Cry Baby says.
"W-what d-did you j-just—"
Her mother staggers over to Cry Baby and grabs her face.
Cry Baby pushes her.
"Don't touch me. Clean yourself up! You're killing yourself! You killed dad!"
Her mother laughs and takes another swig at the vodka.
"Oh honey, I-I d-did kill y-your father c-cause he w-was c-cheating."
Cry Baby slaps her mother in the face.
Her mother grabs his wrists and pushes her against the fridge.
"I w-wouldn't d-do t-that."
She hiccups.
Cry Baby puts the steak knife against her mother's throat.

"Leave me alone or I'll kill you."

"D-do i-it you little c-cry b-baby."

Cry Baby gulps and doesn't stab her mother.
She was too scared to do it.
She just pushes her off of her and runs up to her room.
She heard her mother collapse on the floor.
She was so drunk it was almost hilarious.
Cry Baby gathered more clothes.
She put them all in a little suitcase.
She also packed some of her vintage toys.
She loved her vintage toys.
When she was packing she noticed the painting that she left out before she saw Jessica at Blurryface's house.
It was way too dry.
If she tried working with it the paint would clump up.
She packed her hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, perfume.
He own shampoo and body wash.
She grabbed her journal that was full of all of her insecurities and her thoughts.
A page fell out and hit the floor.
Cry Baby kneeled down and picked up.
It was a letter.
Cry Baby wrote this letter to the boy she first saw in one of her dreams.
When she first saw Blurryface but didn't know who he was.
She referred to him as "you".

Dear you,

Who are you? What do you want? What's your name? I keep seeing you in my dreams. I never remember them. Except the one I had last night. The only things I don't remember was what we talked about and what your face looked like. You have a red hat. You like the color red and black. I just assume that cause you wear those colors a lot.
Are you real? Do you watch me? You look really taunting and scary. I think you're nice? If only I could remember what we say to each other. Then I'd be able to judge it. I hope I can see you again.

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