School Fight

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A/N Written by @inkinmyheartandonthepage. Plot minorly changed.


Tony looked up from where he was working on his Ironman suit and watched as his fiancé crossed the garage with a worried look on her face. He hated that look on her and it usually had something to do with his antics. He quickly wracked his brain for his recent activities but couldn't think of a single thing that would cause that look.

"Pep? Everything okay?"

Pepper sighed. "Peter's school called."

"Peter's school…? What? Is he okay?" Tony quickly got to his feet.

"He got into a fight."

Tony paused, blinking dumbly.

"Yeah," Pepper said slowly. "They tried to get a hold of May but she's at work and she said for the school to call you. We need to go pick him up."

"Peter got in a fight?" Tony frowned.

"We can find out what happened when we get to the school," Pepper said. "You need to change."

"Yeah. Yeah, let's go," Tony said, quickly abandoning his suit and following his fiancé out of the garage to go pick up his kid.

Tony was so nervous his palms were sweating. As Happy drove them through Queens he couldn't stop going over the fact that Peter, Peter Parker, was in a fight. The more he thought about it the more it didn't make sense.

"Stop over analysing," Pepper commanded softly. "Let Peter explain what happened."

Happy pulled up at the front of the school and Tony cleared his throat.

"Here we go," he said and jumped out of the car.

The receptionist was waiting for him just inside the doors and with a blush on her cheeks she took him to the principal's office. Before they even stepped in Tony knew that Peter was aware that he was here. Squaring his shoulders, he nodded to the principle and stood behind Peter, resting his hand lightly on the boys' shoulders.

"Uh- Mr Stark," The principle stuttered before composing himself. "Thank you for coming."

"Yeah, about that," Tony said, giving Peter's shoulder a squeeze. "Why exactly am I here?"

"We were in a fight," Peter answered the question. "I'm sorry."

Tony looked at the other boy and didn't recognize the kid. He also didn't see any bruises or marks on the kid either.

"Peter is correct," the principle said.

"What was the fight about?" Tony asked Peter, trying to catch the kid's eyes but Peter refused to look at him. He moved around the chair until he could squat down by Peter's knees. He placed his hand on Peter's knee and gave it a squeeze to encourage his kid to look at him. "Peter? Hey, can you look at me?" Very slowly and shifting hesitantly in his seat, Peter lifted his head.

"I'm sorry," Peter whispered.

Tony clenched his teeth as he took in the black swelling that was spreading across Peter's eye and cheek and the split lip that was clotted with blood.

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