Boogie Woogie Woogie pt 2

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A/N Written by @Timpaxew. Plot minorly changed.

A ways farther off he felt nervousness and a buttload of concern, almost doubling his own- no that doesn't sound right. He felt scared and in pain… but also worried and concerned, but that wasn't-

Peter’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard a strong voice in his comms as his vision cleared.

“We have this under control, Tony take the kid back to the compound,” the slightly static voice on the other end of his comm ordered as Peter’s vision started to clear in spots.

Maybe he had it worse because of his enhanced vision, but he had no idea how Tony could see at all. His vision was still 80% blur, like someone had covered his mask’s goggles with hair spray. Large dark spots followed his eyes, and the back of his head hurt.

“Your vision should clear up pretty soon, mines- better,” Tony said from next to him, helping support him as they stood up from the ground.

Peter hummed in agreement, it probably wasn’t as bad for Tony through the suit anyway.

“Yeah, the suit probably helped,” Tony huffed before the humor fell from his voice, “if your senses start acting up, tell me.”

It’s not that bad, he can still hear Clint’s arrows cutting through the air, but he did have the louder noises under control. “It’s fine, I’m fine” Peter said out loud.

Tony gave him a strange look as he led Peter towards the grimy staircase.

“I think I’m fine, I can see better n-“ Peter was cut off by tripping over an uneven step, grappling for Tony’s arm.

'Shit, fuck, shit,' Tony’s voice rang clear through his thoughts. 'Shit, oh no, my kid, shit,' the voice continued. 'Christ is he ok? Fuck, gotta get him out of this dump.'

Peter shook his head, furrowing his brows. “Im fine- just, that was bright,” he spoke a bit too quietly, still leaning on Tony.

“God he better be,” Tony said, again his voice was weirdly clear through the sounds of the others fighting. 'If he got hurt- christ this is all my fault, I should have stayed with him till the others got here.'

“It’s not your fault?” Peter scrunched up his nose, looking up at Tony’s face. His face plate was up, and he was looking at Peter.

Peter felt overwhelming concern and a bit of shock from the corner of his mind. “I know,” Tony said out loud, his voice echoing off the stone staircase. 'This is totally my fault,' the clearer voice added immediately, clear in his mind. Tony didn’t move his lips when he said it.

“It’s totally not your fault, stop that,” Peter said out loud.

Tony gave him a weird look before shaking his head.

'Dad, seriously,' Peter thought, holding the arm of the suit tighter as Tony opened the door out of the hydra base.

Tony stopped where he was standing, door halfway open.

Peter felt a wave of confusion, and then was hit by a surge of fondness and amusement, still far off from his own concern.

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