Tech Bets and Wages

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A/N Written by @inkinmyheartandonthepage. Plot minorly changed.

Peter clung to the ceiling, smothering a laugh as he watched Capey drifting between the relics, searching for him.

"Hey, Kid? Are you for an excur- Peter?"

Peter snapped his attention to Tony where he had entered the room, sliding his phone back into the pocket of his jacket.

He was still wearing that same jacket, neither of them having had the time to change, or even shower. Dirt still coated the fabric, tears still visible where space had gotten the better of him. Peter's own suit still had dirt and scratches covering most of him. Tony hadn't said anything about the injuries he sustained but Peter knew they were there and that he must be in pain. But they hadn't been able to leave each other just yet and the phone call Tony just took was the first time they had been out of the same room.

"Where the hell is Peter?" Tony snapped at Capey.

Capey shrugged.

"You were supposed to be watching him!" Tony growled.

Capey appeared to cross his arms, bobbing up and down as it floated in the air.

"Peter!" Tony yelled, ready to start sprinting from the room.

"I'm here," Peter quickly descended from the ceiling by a single piece of web, hanging upside down, coming to a halt between Tony and Capey.

"Sorry. I'm here."

Tony eyes flicked up to the ceiling, down the web and to Peter's face.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh, well, Capey started it! I startled it and it flipped out and flew from the room and then I – uh – mayhavefreakedoutandlandedontheceiling – and then it came back in and couldn't see me and, well, it was kind of funny?"

"You were playing hide and seek with a magic cape?" Tony asked deadpanned.

Peter pursed his lips, "Maybe."

Tony sighed and rubbed a hand down his face. "Get down, would you?"

Peter did as he said and quickly flipped himself right and landed lightly on his feet. "Everything okay?"

"We need to get to Wakanda," Tony said. "The other Avengers are waiting for us."

"Oh," Peter blinked. He had almost forgotten about all the others. He had been so focused on losing his dad that his thoughts hadn't moved much past just the two of them. "Okay, yeah, cool. Uh, when do we leave?"

"Now," Stephen Strange strode into the room.

Capey immediately flew to his master, wrapping around his shoulders and sitting comfortably.

Stephen moved his hands in a complicated yet elegant movement that had a portal opening in the middle of the room. "After you."

Tony slung his arm around Peter's shoulder and together they walked through the portal.

"Whoa! Guys, not the welcoming party we were after," Tony quipped, half standing in front of Peter as they both took in the defensive position. "I was thinking balloons, streamers, cake."

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