Pepper Potts

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A/N Written by @inkinmyheartandonthepage. Plot minorly changed.

Peter Parker had never been so embarrassed in his life. His face was almost as red as his suit and probably wasn't going away any time soon. The only luck on his side was that Tony was away on a mission and that Aunt May wouldn't hear about this for another two days since she was away on a girl's trip.

Judging by the smirk on Pepper's face it wouldn't be long until both of them heard and Peter would have to move to a whole new country to get away from all the teasing.

"Hey you two," Pepper smiled.

"Hey, Miss Potts," MJ nodded as if she hadn't just been caught with her lips attacked to Peter's in their first kiss.

Peter thought it would have been safe to bring MJ back to Tony's house where he was staying while May was out of town on her girl's trip. He thought that by showing MJ some of Tony's work that she would be impressed enough to consider going out on a date with him.

"I was going to ask if the two of you need a snack," Pepper's smirk grew. "But I guess you already had one."

"Oh my God, mum," Peter groaned allowed, tipping his head back to look at the ceiling. His eyes widened as he realized what he just said and dropped his head quickly, staring at Pepper with his mouth open.

Pepper herself blinked and then her smile grew wider, cheeks glowing and her seeming to sparkle. "I'll leave something in the kitchen for you if you decide to snack on something other than each other."

"Mum please," Peter whined.

Pepper laughed and left the room with a swing in her hips and a bounce in her step.

"So," MJ said, turning to Peter. "Pepper's your mum now."

"This really hasn't been my best day," Peter said.

MJ shrugged and stepped closer. "Good thing I like the colour red." She poked his cheek.

"You do?" Peter grinned.

MJ smirked and leaned up, giving him another kiss. She lingered for a moment before pulling back and rocking on her feet. "I have to get going, anyway. See you tomorrow at school?"

"Yeah," Peter nodded a little too hard. "See you tomorrow."

MJ smiled. "Bye."

As MJ let herself out, Peter rolled his eyes at himself and cursed himself silently for being so stupid.

"Hey, did MJ leave?" Pepper asked, coming back into the living room, looking towards the front door.

"Yeah, she had to go," Peter said dully, flopping himself down on the couch and burying his face in the cushion.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Pepper asked, joining him on the couch and rubbing his back. "Are you a bad kisser?"

Peter's head shot up. "No! Well, I mean, I don't think I am. What if MJ thinks I'm a bad kisser?"

"I'm sure you're not if she agreed to see you at school," Pepper said kindly. "So why the dull face?"

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