Mountains and giants life is great

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After they met the elves you decided to wonder around a bit but little did you know someone was following you it was of course Fili you turned around and saw him and made a face at him he looked away and blushed a little you smirk at this "why are you following me?" You ask "well I'm following you to make sure you're safe of course" he says you try not to laugh at his excuse "well you're welcome to join me if you would like" you say Fili walks next to you.
You both walk in silence for a bit until you find yourself back with the other dwarves Kili sees you and smirks you make an annoyed face you stop when you see thorin walk up to the front of the group "we are leaving tonight we can't stay here" thorin says "why though" you ask he looks at you and gives you a sad smile but then changes to his tough expression "because we can't risk the elves trying to take charge of our mission" he says you nod understanding why he would feel threatened.
Later that night
All the dwarves woke up and started to head off you decided to walk with bofur (someone tell me is that the right spelling cause I'm not sure) whilst walking with him he found an apple and offered it to you and you of course took it.
You walked for days until the dwarves and yourself found themselves walking along a mountain cliff edge and it was raining but it was more like a storm "this weather is horrible" you complain
"Yes it is lass but I fear this is no ordinary storm" balin said you look up at the sky and noticed an object coming towards you and the dwarves you soon realised it was a boulder "everyone duck" you yell they do "this isn't just an ordinary storm it's storm giants" balin says you and all the dwarves struggle to get by then you get separated with Fili and few other dwarves but you all survived when thorin came to see if one of his nephews was ok he was glad to see you ok as well "everyone into that cave we'll stay here the night you get up and decided to go to sleep

I'm back with another chapter I know I haven't wrote a chapter for a while I've just had writers block I still kinda do but I will try to update

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