Trolls in the darkness

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While you were "sleeping" you heard someone step over your body because you decided to lye in the middle of what everyone called the walk way to be a pain you turn over and see Bilbo leaving you quietly get up "hey Bilbo where do you think you're going?" You ask him he turns around shocked and surprised but then smiles when he sees you're the source of the voice " oh y/n shouldn't you be asleep you all will be up bright and early" Bilbo says trying to change the topic of the conversation "Bilbo don't" you say "don't what I have no idea what you are talking about" he stutters you smile at him "look y/n I don't belong here among dwarves" he says "yes you're just homesick" you say trying to change his mind "I appreciate your kindness towards me but I miss my home my hole and all the things in dwarves on the other hand are always travelling and in the move you don't have a home" Bilbo says you had to admit it's true you know that none of these dwarves had a home since their home was taken "but- you went to say something but the ground began to shake and you,Bilbo and all the dwarves fell through you hear everyone's screams then you hit the cold hard ground "hey you alright" you hear Fili ask you nod and sigh but that was short lived because you were all soon grabbed by trolls. Trolls they disgusted you and they were putting heir filthy hands on you taking all your weapons and dragging you and all the dwarves to their leader you look around for Bilbo and you eventually find him crouching down and being unnoticed by the trolls you had to hold back your smile but you k ew he was alive at least "where's Bilbo" you hear bofur say you were going to answer but we're dragged away.

So I have changed some things from the original movie but next chapter will have more of Bilbo when he is talking with Gollum so yeah that'll be up soonish

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