Chapter 13

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We all break out in a fit of giggles again so bad that Eddie needed to take a few breaths out of his aspirator.

"Well sugar tits welcome back!" Richie exclaims.

"Sugar tits? That's a new one trashmouth" Y/N snarkly replies back.

"I've been it saving just for you my love" Richie says shooting you a wink.

"That's one thing I didnt miss." Y/N says.

Richie's POV

Wait! She missed us?! God, if I only could tell her about the sleepless nights I had thinking about how much I missed her laugh, walk, smile everything about her! But trachsmouths dobt talk that way. I think as a light frown hits my lips.

"Well I've missed you to!" I say without thinking.

Bill's POV

God I've missed her to. But the group swore her off so we could stay friends. I think as I look into her y/ec eyes.

I don't think I can keep my end of the deal anymore, I'm falling for her all over again.

Eddie's POV

"Richie your an idiot!" I yell to Richie.

"Yeah but I'm your little idiot" Richie says throwing me a wink.

I jokingly gag in my mouth and I hear Y/N's angelic giggles.

That giggle is like music to me ears. I think as a blush hits my cheeks.

Stan's POV

Is Eddie blushing? I guess he's falling for her again, even though we swore her off, that little fucker.
I think as I glare at Eddie.

Well 2 can play that game. I walk over and sit close to Y/N while all of the boys give me a threatening stare.


Well thats a bit weird. I think as I give Stan a sheepish smile.

We sit in silence for a little bit longer before I speak up

"Well losers club, its been fun, but my mom expects me home in about 10 minutes so a better get going." I say as I start stand up wiping dirt off my butt.

"Well thanks again for saving our asses" Stan says.

"No problem." I start to walk off when I feel someone pull on my arm wipping me around.

"W-wait, we are going t-to the b-barrens tommorow w-want to come?" Bill asks still holding onto my arm.

"Sounds good! You guys can come by and pick me up at 3, sound good?" I ask.

"Ok!" The 4 boys say.

"See you later!" I call out running off.

The 4 boys wave at me until I'm out of sight.

A/N: Thanks for reading! 430 words.

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