Chapter 4

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This chapter is to @Fireninja2003 and @lexiforreal6 and others for giving me the motivation to write this chapter. Even if you are the only ones who ever read this book, at least I will know two people liked it.

Your POV:

Barry comes back, this time bearing gifts for me "Big Belly Burger! Yes! Oh man, that is one thing in this show that I have really wanted to try.

    You know, on my earth Big Belly Burger doesn't exist. Now I will find the answer to a question I have asked for a while, which is Big Belly Burger closest to? Mr.Donalds or Water-Burger?" I say making grabby hands at the bag through the window at the bag. Making Barry pull his hand, and the bag, further back away from the door.

    "Nah ah ah, you are not getting this bag until you answer some questions of mine-" this is where I cut him off.

    "Barry that might not be a good idea, based on my best guess of the time right now you need to be leaving soon to get back downtown to have an important conversation" Now I sit and wait as Barry thinks.

Barry's POV:

I think over that statement for a second. This person hasn't lied yet, and I do need to check back in on the park anyway...

I give them one last suspicious look before running downtown. Oddly enough I find Lilah among the chaos and she doesn't look too happy.

"Lilah what is this? I saw the weird ship that crashed-" and that's as far as I get before being cut of again, this time by Lilah " You saw a ship? What else did you see?!" She asks sounding confused, curious ,and (and this is the one that worries me) panicked.

I respond honestly with "Enough to give Ridley Scott nightmares" as calmly as I can. Lilah turns around for a moment.

She turns back to face me and asks me to meet her at STAR labs where she will give me the information.

I go back to STAR Labs to find a panicked Caitlyn and Cisco frantically running around the med bay and lab, Y/N sitting on the exam table.

After wondering briefly why they are out of their cell I ask, "What's going on!?" This stops the commotion and both Cisco and Caitlyn stood as 'normal' looking as possible.

"Nothing" This only makes me more confused so I turn to Caitlyn.

"Barry" she starts in a hushed tone "that's a meta!" she quietly exclaims pointing over her shoulder to a shocked Y/N.

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