✌️Whos fault is it that you guys broke up✌️

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David: ~ his ~
But your the one that broke up with him just because he never spent anytime with you anymore, to busy with his vlogs. You felt like the only time he really wanted you was for his bit in the vlogs. You ended up leaving a note behind

"dear David, I'm sorry for leaving you like this I feel terrible to end things on the note but I could never be able to say it in person, all I'm trying to say is I feel like you never spend anytime with me anymore am the only you want to is for your vlog...I hope we can stay as friends and talk this through properly, I'll come get my stuff tommorow
Xoxo Y/n"
Todd: ~ his ~
He keeps on going to other parties and staying out all night, one time he came back with hickeys on his neck...which is the reason you found out he was cheating and ended up dumping him in the spot
Y/n:"hey babe I was-.....ummm..what the fuck is that on your neck"
Todd:"what do you mean babe"
Y/n:"is-is that hickeys I your neck...WHERE YOU FUCKING CHEATING IN MY TODD"
Todd:"no No! I promise we only made-out nothing more"
Scotty: ~ yours ~
The reason why you guys broke up is because you had heaps to do for your work and had no time for each other, which it hurts you but you guy always spend time with each other and you guys just laugh everything off

Scotty: hey remember when we were a thing
Yn: OMG Scotty I swear if we go to this conversation again I might die laughing 😂😂
Alex: ~ his ~
He didn't mean for this to happen it was on mistake but David asked Alex to do a bit for his vlog and what he wanted him to do is kiss corrina....you ended up walking in on the wrong time, "hey babe I got the...WHAT THE FUCK!!!" "NO Y/N ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOK LIKE" after that you slapped in across the face "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" They all stood there and didn't know what to say "David......get the fuck out of my house"
Zane: ~ his ~
He kind of distance himself away. You didn't know what it was but every time you guys hung out or even just stayed at home he was never really there and when he was its like you did exist, you got really upset about it but just divided to cut things off

Yn: listen Zane I'm really sorry but I don't think things are working out
Zane: yeah I'm sorry Y/n but I was going to do this the other day but you had to leave..sorry
Yn: oh....no it's fine I understand
Heath: ~ yours ~
Well what happened was that you guys where at a party and you had a few to many. One thing led to another and you ended up cheating on Heath for your Ex-boyfriend he walked in on you guys and just started yelling...David ended up following him and getting it on his vlog...and than posting it

Yn: HEATH ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE...well actually its defiantly what it looks like....
Heath: Y/n how could you I loved you so much and oh fucking cheat on me with this fucking dickhead
Yn: I'm SO sorry baby please just listen to me
Heath: I'm so fucking done, get your shot out of my hours tomorrow or I'm throwing it all out
~ he walks out of the room ~
David: OHHH shit just got real!!
Yn: David.....get the fuck out
Jeff: ~his~
Every time you go out places with him it's fun and all...until you started to notice him checking out like EVERY girl you walk past. One time you were even coming out of the changing room and see Jeff flirting with the shop lady and there lips pretty much TOUCHING!. You decided that you had enough of his shit "hey, do you think this guy is cute" you say talking to the shop lady while grabbing your phone "umm sorry?" She said to you, her and jeff looking equally as confused "well here you go...Kat is it" you say while reading her name tag "babe...what are you doing?" jeff asked "well here you go there is his number & Instagram you enjoy yourself...I'm sick of his shit anyway" you say while walking past "BABE!" he shouts out to you. You just walk while sticking the middle finger at him
any ideas please leave a comment so I can write it down

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