🥑Their first thought about you🥑

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This was requested by nolongerfovs thank you sooo much for the support x. Go show some love and give a follow x :))

- "wow their really cute"
- smiles heaps when ever you gave him any attention
- thought you were really funny and laughs at every joke you say (even if it's not funny)
- "oml she is adorable"

- always laughed at his corny jokes so instantly he knew you guys will get along
- "she is super cute"
- always gave him attention and he thought it was the sweetest thing
- "how can someone be so kind?"

- he thought you were really attractive from the begging
- BlUsHiNg MeSs
- gets easily flustered by ANY physical contact you gave
- "am I making it obvious that I like her??"

- as soon as he saw your party side... he knew you guys are meant to be
- "Dammmn she is hella attractive ngl"
- thought you were also really caring towards others
- "amazing personality"

- "wow she is the sweetest person ever"
- thought you had a great sense of humour
- "so beautiful"
- instantly thought you were the whole package

- "is it bad that I'm already so attracted to her??"
- he always tried to get your attention
- "She is so beautiful"
- overly flirted with you everyone already knew he fell for you

- "she is really hot"
- always complimented you, even for the smallest things
- would not stop flirting with you because he liked that you got easily flustered
- somehow people didn't catch on to his instant crush

A/n: I hope you enjoyed x :))

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