🧸Penny for your thoughts: Scotty🧸 part 1

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"Hey babe I'm going to get a drink be right back" the last thing my boyfriend he said before he vanished off into the crowd of gross and sweaty dancing bodies.

After about hour and a half of me just sitting on the couch I Finally got up to go find my boyfriend... "hey y/n what brings you here?, I thought you weren't a party person" I turned around to see that is was my old friend Kaleb "oh hey Kaleb.. I was looking for b/f/n (boyfriends name) have you seen him any where?" As soon as that question left my lips I swear for a couple of seconds I could see the colour from Kalebs face drain... and the lighting in this room is shit so Im surprised I even noticed it....

"Umm..I-I think he...ummm-"

"Kaleb... if you know where he is I would like to know... so could you please hurry up with your sentence" as I was saying that my eyes wondered across the room... and landed on something unexpected...

"What the fuck!?" I shouted and shoved Kaleb out the way..

As I got to my boyfriend I pushed the girl he was kissing off his lap which caused him to stand out of his seat... "what the he-"


"What the heck b/f/n.. did we come to this party just so you could fucking cheat on me!?" I shouted at him which caused some people around us to listen in on what we were saying... "babe-"

"Oh don't you fucking babe me... I swear I've never heard you say my real name.. like do you even know what it is?? Are you to ashamed to say it??" As I said that I could feel the tears but I was trying so hard to not show any weakness. "Y/n... it's not what it looks like.."

"I don't even want to hear your shitty excuse, We are over b/f/n.. I'm giving you two days max to get your stuff out of my house or I'm throwing it all out" before I left I turned to the girl he was making out with

"You can have him.. also heads up... he has a small dick.." as I turned to walk away I saw the girl cringe, stand then leave.

"BABE!" I didn't even bother to turn around I just flipped him off and kept walking.

After everything that happened I just sat out side and thought to myself

'Why aren't I crying.. was I expecting something like this to happen, was there even any love put in that relationship did-'

"Penny for your thoughts?" My thought got interrupted by someone asking this question..

I looked around until I noticed a guy standing behind me.. "me?" I pointed to myself with a confused look

"Well I don't see anyone else out here.. and I would look like a freak if I was asking myself that.. so to answer your question, yes you" the guy said while taking a seat next to you

"Oh... nothing" I replied while looking down at my feet

"I saw what happened in there, I'm glad you slapped his fucking face.. ughh sorry I just hate cheaters"

After he said that, I don't know what happened but something inside me clicked and I just stared to uncontrollably sob

"Holy shi- hey shh hey calm down" he said while he moved over to put a protective arm around me and stared to say sweet nothings to me

"What has my life come to... first I was in a sad, loveless relationship, second I find my now ex-boyfriend cheating pffft only god knows how long b/f/n was cheating on me for.. and now here I am talking about my shitty life while some stranger is hugging me out side of some persons house... I don't even fucking know who's party this is" I heard him chuckle

"Scotty sire, that's my name... hopefully that makes this situation seem less uncomfortable" he answered while looking down at me

"And in some odd way I guess it did.. y/n  l/n" after I said that Scotty stood up and held his hand out to me.

"What?" I asked looking at him confused. "Well I was trying to offer to help you up but you are going to have to meet me halfway"

A/n: sorry I'm making another part, I was just really exited and wanted to post what I have so far... also sorry it took me so long to make :) I hope you liked what I've done so far.

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