🌓No matter what: David🌗

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A/n: first imagine so plz DONT JUDGE LOOL and...ASK QUESTIONS FOR Q&A

~ Your POV ~

'You will be better off without me'.....was the last thing I got from my boyfriend before he diced to block me, but in his little shitty world means 'HEY I cheated in you....BYE'


I couldn't move, I had no emotion or motivation to do ANYTHING.

*Bing* was all I heard in repeat for the past 10 or so minutes.

I couldn't even be bothered to answer my phone. It doesn't matter any way.

I sat there for so long and didn't move that I didn't even relies I was crying until I felt the tears drop down my neck.

~ David's POV ~

"Why the heck isn't she answering my texts" I said to myself as I grabbed my hair in frustration.

"Dude chill, she must be with Toby or something" (Toby is BF) said Jeff as he was looking down at his phone.

"That can't be right...she hasn't talked to him since like...last Friday or something, his been really distant for some odd reason" i replied while looking at my unread texts.

'I'll call her...nah I'll seem to desperate'

As I was still to deep in thought, I didn't relies Jeff was trying to get my attention until I felt a punch on my shoulder.

"DUDE what the fuck!" I said while rubbing my shoulder. "Hey...isn't that the Toby guy, y/n's boyfriend or something?" Jeff said while pointing at him from across the street.

"Yeah, it is...who the fuck is that girl his with?". I said still looking at him over the road. "I know just as much as you do man" said Jeff while leaning against my car.

"I'm going to Y/N's, your either coming...or walking back to mine or who Evers you want" I said while grabbing my keys and unlocking the car.

"Wow, why are you so desperate to see her?" He said looking kind of shocked.

"I feel like something is not right..." I looked at Toby and see him being touchy with that random ass girl across the road.

"You go man" Jeff said while patting my shoulder. "Aren't you coming?" He shook his head. "I don't want to get In between you and y/n, I dont even know her well enough to be getting mixed with some personal things" he said while smiling at me "I'll call you when I'm home" was what he said before leaving.

"Ok now, let's go to y/n's"

~ Y/N's POV ~

I finally got up from my spot and decided to wash my face. As I was wiping all the tears away they just still kept pouring down my face "please just stop" I said as I looked at myself in the mirror "he wasn't good enough for you anyway" as I tried... Key word 'TRIED' to motivate myself to get better, I didn't relies that there was someone standing in my doorway.

"Y/n". Someone whispered from behind me, as I turned around I saw David looking at me with pity.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, I had to let it all out. As I fell to the floor in tears, David came running in and hugging me on the floor.

"Shh shh, it's ok. I'm here, let it all out" was what David kept telling me over and over. For some odd reason I just felt so safe in his arms.

When I was with Toby, I never felt like this ONCE in our relationship. Even though I've hugged Toby a million time, they never compared to what I feel when I'm with David.

"T-Toby..he dumped me" I said while sobbing "he also cheated on me with some bitch he met at the club, that night I came to yours crying..was because he missed our date night...for the sixth time IN A FUCKING ROW!!!"

I just kept on ranting on and on about how much of a bad person he was, and why the fuck I so stupid to waste my valuable time on some fuck boy little bitch.

"Hey Y/N, you know...you could of done way better off without him...so much more opportunities for you to chooses from...and just think, your young and very beautiful...it won't be a biggie to find yourself a good man" David said to me while cuddling me....did I forget to tell you we are on my bathroom floor

"And no matter what happens.....I'll always be here for you....because

I love you......

So fucking much"

A/n: and that's the WAYYYYYYY the news goes...sorry for the shitty ending BUT I hoped you enjoyed that imagine, I'll be trying to make more if ya want.

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