❣️Hey guys...❣️

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Hello... I'm really really sorry that I'm not keeping this book updated, it's just been really hard with school and just the whole thing tbh lol... also I'm really sorry to the people that still read this book and I hope you don't think this is just a pity apology. I would probably be annoyed too  -_- ... so I just hope you guys understand and I'll still try my hardest to keep this book alive and I will still try for you guys :))).

Also it would be an amazing help if you guys could send me your ideas so I could write them down.. also to the people that have already done that I'm really sorry if I haven't done what you requested... but yeh that would help me a lot :p.

But thank you all for the support it has been really nice and I love reading the comments it's great seeing you guys enjoy what I write.


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