Shoot Me!

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We go inside the gym and everyone is here, well not Bruce and Thor. I grab a gun from one of the side tables and give it to Tony."Ok tony, listen very closely because your going to end up doing the opposite of what I'm going to tell you. Abre tu orejas y tiende mi.(open your ears and listen to me). I want you to try and shoot me but on the shoulder I'm going to test something." I tell him in a wiseper because I don't want the others to worry. "WHY IN HELL DO YOU WANT ME TO SHOOT YOU, ARE YOU CARZY!!" "Mira eso que yo no queria pasar, pendjo!!!"  (This is what i didnt want to happen, stupid!!!) Everyone is looking in our direction. "Just fucking shoot me I'll be fine." "If i kill you it's not my fault." He gets the gun ready, and I get ready to run."Now!!!" He shoots and I run and everything is going it slow mode and I grab the bullet in mid air and I move the gun out of tony's hand and I have it my hand everything is back to normal time. Everyone is looking for me and I'm behind them chilling on the wall."I'm over here and here Tony I found it in the air so weird." I say with sarcasm. I give him the bullet and the gun. " that was kinda fun let's do it again but with a bow and arrow, Clint apparently you never miss let's test that, shoot me."" I never back out on a challenge especially if it's about my skill with a bow and arrow." Everyone steps away from the area and I get ready. Clint readys his bow and he shoots. Again it turns all slow mode and I catch the arrow and throw it to the ground. It goes back to normal." How you do that?!!"" It's called super speed and i won't be the only one with super speed on the team later on. They also will be able to catch your arrows, but on the bright side I'll be faster than that person." Steve's comes up. "Your saying there will be more super human,and How many?" " so basically we are going to be on a mission and we are going to meet a couple of people on our way. More people will be added to the team later now but we still got a couple more movies. They next movie is actually Tony' s movie and then is Thor's movie.
"Damn this girl is crazy."
"I heard that!" "Nobody said anything." I give him a confused look. "what do you mean someone said "Damn this girl is crazy" " umm .... I didn't say it but I thought if it" Clint said. "Wrong I'm not crazy I'm a basic bitch.." I giggle. Clint looks at me with a scared look." I didn't say nothing but I thought it." "What do u mean, u said Damn this girl is crazy. " Oh shit "language!" "I didn't say anything, OH FUCK! I figured out another power." I try to consierate on mind linking there thoughts to mine. "I can read yalls thoughts and I can talk to u in your mind."

A/N for now on the italicized words will either the AI or the characters thoughts with quotations

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