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(∩•ω•∩)♬♡♡♡SAMANTHA'S POV


I wake up and I immediately know what time it is, only Texans knows the only reason you will wake up at three am. Texans we don't care what time it is or if it's flooding or it is a really hot day, we will go get what we want. I get up out bed and check the twins, they're sound asleep.

I go out of my room don't even bother with looking nice, but I don't care. I put up a shield around my door just in case, I accidentally wake them up. I first knock softly on Ashley's door, but when she doesn't open the door, I start banging on it. "Why are you up at three o clock in the fucking morning?" Dad says sticking out his head out his door. Next Steve and everyone else got out of their rooms and waiting for an explanation, I hold a hand up, gesturing for them to wait. "This causes extra measure, god Ashley why are you a deep sleeper especial one of these nights?" "Wait what are you going to do?" Steve asks trying to open the door. "Something to wake her up and it will be super embarrassing. Now move I have to it up, and watch and learn how to truly wake up a Hispanic at three am from Texas."

Everyone is watching me make a speaker, "what's the speaker for?" Nat asks. "This speaker and this song-" I show them a Jenni
Rivera CD, "-will help me with the vibe I guess, I don't know. It just helps with what I'm going to do." I put in the CD, I speed up to the bar and I pour myself a shot of Jake. I teleport back, and dad sees the shot, "hold up, why do you have shot, and what's in it?" "Well it helps with my throat when I do the thing and it's just jake." "Just jack, that stuff is strong." Dad says trying to take the shot out of my hand, I just fly up. "Really I don't think so, it's more weak than strong." "Have you been drinking?" Dad asks from the floor, "no, in a Hispanic Texans' home, it's normal to drink at 16 but females get our first drink at 15 on our fifthteen birthday. The last time I drank was at the party, where thor brought mead from Asgard." I drink the shot and get back on the floor, they all look for any since of my throat burning. "Isn't it burning you throat?" Clint asks. "No, y'all just a bunch of weaklings. Now what I'm about to do is super embarrassing, but its very common in Texas, it's called El Grito. Men mostly do it to establish dominance, the loudest and the better sounding is the most dominant, pretty simple." They nod, I look at my clothes. "Yeah this is not going to work." I change my clothes into a flannel, boot pants and boots. The boots are the exact same ones my mom bought when I turned 16. Finally I make a exact replica of my grandpas cowboy hat. "What's with the getup?" "If I'm going to do el grito I might as well do it right and with fashion." Pietro tries to touch the hat but I slap the hand. "Don't touch the hat." I say with a serious tone, everyone immediately backed off. I sigh, "I can't believe I'm doing this, but for what I want I have to do it. And sober, no mamens." "Hey! Language!" Dad says. I roll my eyes and shut them, I press play and I do el grito. "Ahhh haeyhay!" Ashley finally opens the door. "I heard the yell of a texan at three am wanting whataburger." Everyone starts to laugh, I put on a smirk.

"All of that just to go get food?" Dad says trying to stop laughing. "Not just any food whataburger." "What's whataburger?" National asks. "Pretty understandable that y'all don't know. Whataburger is a fast food restaurant that is only in Texas until fucking Chicago couldn't keep their hands to themselves and bought a piece of the company. Y'all have shake Shack and in n' out but we have whataburger." "How are you two going to get food at this time?" "It has a 24/7 drive thru." Ashley says. "Ash you stay here and y'all guys can try el grito while I'm gone, FRI you know what to do. Don't get too drunk until I come back with the food." They bod and I teleport to my home in Texas I made.

I check on everything in the house and use my speed to a random car dealership. I choose a black mustang and hot wire it, well while I'm here might as well cause some trouble. I change my appearance, by making my hair deep red like Natasha, my eyes hazel and make my height taller. I change my out fit to a black tank top, with black kargo pants, and black combat boots. I smirk and speed off to the closest whataburger. When I get there I ordered everyone a burger, fries and soda. The lady at the drive thru was a little intimated by the way I look but I just smirked and gave her the money, when she gave me my food and change I speed off, I teleport the food to my pocket dimension. I put on some sunglasses and press the gas harder. After a mile of speeding, a group of cops start chasing me. "PULL OVER LADY!" the cops yell and I just flicked them off. After five miles more cops join in on chasing me. I get myself ready to teleport to the tower's living room, I suerve the car to hit a tree and I quickly teleport.

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