11: The |Miserable| Company

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"I thought I told you never to call me again?" Adrian sighed. He was hiding in the bathroom taking a long break. The memory of who Vincent was to him was too much. He would've loved to forget about it. He should just forget again. Vincent didn't remember. Why should he? This only made things more awkward for Adrian. He had enough on his plate. He didn't need the added drama to his nonexistent office romance. Who would've thought that they both ran gangs in high school? And that both of those gangs were against each other? What was this? Romeo and Juliet? Romeo and Julio...to be more exact.

"Sorry, Boss, but there has been a development," the voice replied. It was the voice of a redheaded man. Grell Sutcliff. Adrian's right hand in the Dispatch Society, a gang he'd rather never reform. The past was in the past. They weren't kids anymore. There wasn't a need for silly cliques.

"What are you talking about? There can't be a development if there is no group," Adrian frowned.

"The kid, you know the one, he is trying to start the group up again," Grell whispered. He sounded as if he was looking over his shoulder. Damnit. Not this shit again.

"I thought I told you to keep an eye on him," Adrian sighed. Clearly, his righthand man wasn't very helpful. "You can't let this make the news. I don't need my job in jeopardy."

"Right, but Boss, are you sure you don't want to quit and come back to this business? I know you miss it," Grell inquired. Adrian didn't want to think about the way his blood longed for violence and mischief. He was getting enough of the mischief at his current job. He didn't want to complicate things. The pay wasn't terrible and his boss was...well...his boss? Fuck. He didn't know what he wanted. He just didn't want to answer any unnecessary questions.

"Are you really questioning me right now? Do you know who I am?" Adrian tried his best to pull off his boss-attitude. That usually shut people up when they asked stupid things. He hated doing this but it was pretty convenient.

"I have to get back to work, take care of this, do you understand? If it's not taken care of I am going to seriously fuck you up," Adrian threatened. He wasn't quite sure how he would fuck him up, he just would. He always got creative in his methods.

Adrian hung up and took a deep breath. He had to go back to his desk and pretend that never happened. He didn't get a call. His suit wasn't wrinkled. He wasn't going to stare into the depths of Vincent's eyes on the internet. He was just going to go out there and get shit done. That's his job. He no longer had a gang. He no longer did anything illegal. The police didn't have anything on him because it never happened, as far as they were concerned.

Vincent was waiting for him to return. He sat on the desk, one leg hanging off, just waiting. Adrian wanted to take a picture of the scene. It reminded him of a painting. At the same time, it reminded him of a cheesy porno. He wasn't sure which was worse.

Vincent made eye contact and smiled. This was the standard Vincent greeting. Adrian had noticed that much, remembered that much, he never knew what lurked behind those eyes. They never gave away any of their secrets.

"You didn't answer my question, so I looked into it myself. It turns out I do know you from somewhere. Imagine that. You went to the same high school as I did. I should've remembered right away but I didn't. Maybe it's because I'm an old man now and I'm losing my memory," Vincent stood up and walked over to Adrian. "There are still some things I can't quite recall. Are you the same Undertaker that was in charge of the Dispatch Society?"

Adrian didn't say a word when Vincent grabbed the collar of his shirt and pushed him into the wall. He didn't say a single thing when the man threatened to kill him with just a glare alone. "I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the things I've done. I'm sure you know the situation you're in. I'm sure that you know if you do anything stupid, anything remotely damaging to this company, it won't matter how much you beg and plead for forgiveness. I'll make an example out of you. I don't know how much you've changed or if you're the same person you were but I don't want to find out. Don't do anything stupid." Vincent removed his grip on Adrian and smoothed out his shirt. He smiled. "Do I make myself clear?"


"Perfect," Vincent returned to his office without another word. Adrian sunk to the floor. He didn't really understand how terrifying Vincent was until this moment. He also didn't realize how attracted he was to Vincent until this moment. Why did that scenario turn him on? Was he a masochist? Adrian tried to think of the most disgusting thing he could. But this boner wasn't going away. Damnit. This was the last thing he needed right now.

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