8: The {NSFW} Company

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Adrian skipped the foreplay and got right to it. The two merged their bodies as soon as humanly possible. Vincent gladly offered his ass to Adrian. Adrian gladly accepted. Vincent's hands grabbed the sides of Adrian's head as the man thrusted into him. He moaned, loudly, passionately, as his eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head. He was tired. He was barely awake. And, somehow, that made the experience all the more enjoyable. It made it surreal. It was as if the whole thing was a dream. Vincent hadn't been abandoned. His world hadn't fallen apart. He was still together. 

Who was he fooling?

He was broken. As broken as one could be. A heartbreak was the least of his problems. All eyes were looking at him at all times. He had the glares of civilians. He had the newspapers hounding him for information on the company, on his sons, on Rachel. That bitch Rachel. He didn't want to think about any of those things. He only wanted to feel what he was feeling right now: Adrian's cock in his ass. A splendid feeling at that. 

There was something about the way Vincent's head tilted to the side, or the way his eyes looked glazed, maybe it was the slight redness in his cheeks, or the way he gripped Adrian's hair. It was addicting. Adrian hadn't experienced this type of drug before. He wanted more of Vincent and he was confused as to why. He wanted to please him. He wanted to make this an experience he couldn't forget, but one that would cause him to forget all of the unpleasant ones before it. 

"Uny," Vincent clenched Adrian's long hair. His back arched and he moaned a sound that was music to Adrian's ears. Adrian wanted to hear it. He wanted to hear it again and again so he hit that spot, again and again. Vincent couldn't handle it. What little self control, self respect, he had left was gone. He made noises louder than the sluttiest whore you could find. Adrian loved it. He lusted for it. He sought more of it. 

Adrian removed his current condom and put it on the floor with the rest of them. There were a lot of condoms in that box, and Adrian had used all but one, the one currently in his hand. Vincent had asked him for comfort. All he had given was pleasure. Somewhere along the line he'd forgotten about the fact he hadn't done this in a while. He wondered if that was making itself known. Vincent hadn't said anything. He was just allowing Adrian to have his way with him. Under different circumstances, it might've been a bit more endearing. But the time for guilt was long past. 

"It's the last one," Vincent observed. He'd lost count of the positions the two had tried or other various experiments. This would be the end of it all. "Make it count." 

Adrian nodded. He wasn't sure if Vincent would be okay with this, but he wasn't sure he cared. If this was the one night that he could seduce Vincent, that he could use Vincent, he wanted to make it worthwhile. He wanted something to thrive off of for his wet dreams of the future. This office romance might never exist past this day.  

Adrian opened the package and placed the thin plastic on Vincent's dick. He grabbed the bottle of lube and moistened his fingers before preparing his own ass. He allowed his fringe to fall in front of his face as he did this. It wasn't time for expressions yet. Vincent watched him. He was shocked but he didn't refuse it. This certainly wasn't what he had in mind when he'd said the words 'make it count.'

The recently hired secretary lowered himself onto Vincent. The man was already rock hard. Adrian drooled with anticipation. He started to move. Adrian grabbed Vincent's arms and pulled him up. He hugged his boss as he rode him. Vincent returned the favor. Their heated, sweaty, cum covered bodies in an embrace. 

Vincent could feel the hardness of Adrian's cock and nipples as the man rode him. Vincent bit down on Adrian's clavicle. He wanted to leave a mark to be remembered by. There were plenty of other scars on Adrian's body. Vincent wanted to leave one of his own. 

The two were out of breath in each other's arms. They'd done this so many times that it was taking a bit longer for Vincent to release. Adrian reveled in it. He wanted it to take forever. He didn't want this to end. He wanted to love and be loved. Even though he knew this wasn't love. This was quite different. 

Vincent sensed this moment would end. So, before he came he grabbed Adrian's hair and pulled his head back. He wanted to see the face Adrian made. He wanted to enjoy it. Adrian's eyes rolled back into his head the moment it was over. He passed out, right in Vincent's arms. 

"Uny?" Vincent was a bit taken aback. "Fuck," Vincent cursed and placed Adrian on the bed. "That's going to be one hell of a story for my grandkids," he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, little Jr. did I ever tell you about the time I fucked a guy so hard he passed out when I came? Those were the days..." Vincent made his way to the bathroom. He should at least take a shower before trying to go back to work. How many hours had passed anyway? It was going to be hell trying to finish everything he'd missed. 

"Wait," Vincent said as he got in the shower. "Shouldn't I be the one passed out? He fucked me way more than I fucked him." Vincent shook his head. "Whatever, I don't have time to sleep anyway." 

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