12: The |Orphanage| Company

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"My Lord, we have a problem," Sebastian put the photos on Ciel's cash register.

"What the hell is this?" Ciel asked. He picked them up only to throw them on the floor. "What the fuck? Dispatch exists again? I thought we handled this?! Fuck!" Ciel paced behind the counter. It seems he wasn't the only one that wanted to follow in his father's former footsteps.

"What do you want to do about it?" Sebastian asked. Ciel thought for a moment. It wouldn't be advantageous to start a war when both of them just wanted to revive old memories.

"We reach out and plan a meeting. Our goal is the same, perhaps we can form a partnership," Ciel said. Sebastian was hesitant but his boss's orders were his boss's orders. It was as good a plan as any.

"I'll try and get ahold of them," Sebastian promised.

That was easier said than done. The Dispatch Society had no interest in being cooperative. Apparently the father of the son wanted the whole business shut down. There wouldn't be a gang. Or, so he thought. Maybe Ciel would get what he wanted after all. He knew what it was like to have a father not wanting an old memory revived.

The night of the meeting fast approached. They both agreed on truce land. Not Funtom's. Not Dispatch's. No, they went to the orphanage. Noah's Arc. There was a room waiting in the back for them. It was perfect. Magical. Majestic. Until they both sat down in opposing chairs and had to discuss.

The silver haired male sat with his legs crossed and hands folded. On his right hand side was a redhead dressed entirely in red. Like damn. Way to accent that hair. Is his entire wardrobe like that? Dayum.

Ciel sat in his chair like he imagined his father would sit. He sat with his legs crossed and his head resting on his hand. He leaned to one side of the chair so that his arm was on the armrest. On his right side was Sebastian. The silver one wore his father's old coat. Ciel wore his father's old coat. This experience was similar to a family reunion. That is, if you consider your crew to be a family. This was more of a feud...

"Shall we get this started?" Ciel began. "My name is Ciel Phantomhive. I'm the current leader of The Funtom Company."

"My name is Victor Nikiforov," the male said. He had a slight Russian accent. Ciel liked it. It was cute and certainly fit a wannabe gang leader. "Current leader of Dispatch. Get down to business. We don't have all day."

"I would like to propose a merge," Ciel said. He would've smiled but smiling was his brother's talent, not his. "We both have the same interests in mind: to revive our father's memories. So, let's do it together."

"Our people have fought each other since the original gangs," Victor's eyebrows furrowed. "What makes you think we want to trust you? Or need your help?"

"A little bird told me your father isn't interested in you taking up the family business," Ciel sat up straight and leaned forward. His arms rested on his knees. "Quite frankly, neither is mine. So we should form a new gang together. One they won't know we're running. We can share a name but in our hearts we will know the truth," Ciel offered. This kept both of their backs safe from harm. "Besides, if our father's thought a duel gang wasn't possible. Doesn't that make you want to prove them wrong?"

Victor laughed. "You're an interesting one, shortie. I like you. Sure, let's give this a trial run. The minute me and my family don't like it, we back out and go our separate ways. But, for now, let's work together. Deal?" Victor reached out his hand.

"Deal," Ciel returned the handshake.

"What do you propose we call our new gang?" Victor asked.

"Our gang doesn't exist. It's colorless without a purpose. What else has little purpose except what you make it? Dollars. Bills are just paper but yet they have so much value. It's fitting, don't you think?"

Victor laughed. "I really do like you, shortie."

"I have someone to be the mock leader. Of course, because neither of us can take that position. It wouldn't be right. So, we shall have a puppet," Ciel explained.

"Oh? What is this guy's name?"

"Drocell," Ciel answered. "There is a war brewing. Something big is going to happen and it's going to happen soon. We can't let ourselves be distracted. You have to prepare for the worst. I will too."

"I'm glad to have you on my side, Ciel," Victor smiled. "But, who is this Drocell fellow?"

Ciel looked to the door and a man entered. He was dressed like a nutcracker, except his outfit was blue and he wore a top hat. "He works at Noah's Arc Orphanage, this building we're in now. Convenient, isn't it? Introduce yourself."

"My name is Drocell Keinz," he replied.

"Keinz? Isn't that a ketchup brand?" Victor asked.

"That's Heinz," Ciel rolled his eyes.

"Oh! You're right!"

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