Chapter 6- Laws of the New Era

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On to Chapter 6... This is a bit longer than my others. I do not own Merlin... Blah, blah, blah.
P.S. The picture doesn't have any relevance to the chapter

I was awoken to the sound of Gaius working downstairs and the smell of his rather distinctive soup. When I had arrived back in the early hours of today, I had made no effort to change out of my clothes, choosing instead to simply crash onto my cot and let sleep overwhelm me.

As I get up, I perceive guiltily that I hadn't even bothered to take off my mud-caked boots. I brush myself down, trying to get rid of the creases in my clothes. When my stomach rumbles however, I finally admit defeat and head downstairs. I sight Gaius with his back to me, busying himself serving out two portions of his much cherished broth.

Gaius turns around at hearing me enter the workroom and he offers me a tentative smile. I smile back, and while I knew it didn't quite reach my eyes, it wasn't completely forced either. "Breakfast?" I query nodding down at the food. "Lunch." He replies calmly. Startled by my mentors reply, I look up at the window.

Much to my surprise I see not the shell pink sky that comes with dawn but instead the sapphire blue sky of noon. The sun was like freshly spun gold, climbing ever higher in the sky like a determined soldier. It threw fractured rays of white lights through the window panes, the light being refracted off the open shutters onto the flagstone floor.

"You let me sleep in...?" I say half questioning and half disbelieving. At my expression,the corners of Gaius's mouth curl up in amusement. "I thought you could use the sleep." Gaius remarks "What with, aah sneaking in at dawn."

"I thought you were asleep" I exclaim, dumbfounded.

"I know" Gaius responds smugly.

I shake my head, exasperated at the old man's antics, before saying "Anyway I came back before that. You were just too busy sleeping with your head In your dinner to notice..." I smirk at Gaius's flushed face. Gaius quickly collects himself and places our, full to the brim bowls and spoons down on top of the wooden surface.

Sitting at opposite sides of the table, we begin to eat. My mouth fills with the warm, steamy richness that had become so familiar to me over the years. It has always been one of Gaius's more regular recipes. At first I hadn't liked it but I had learnt to love it... Just like everything else here in Camelot.

Halfway through our meal, Gaius speaks up "Where did you go Merlin? I was worried about you, we all were." I wonder if he can handle the truth but one look at his pleading face tells me I can't lie to him... After all he has done for me, he deserves the truth.

"I went to see Kilgharrah." As that first sentence slips from my mouth, the rest of the words flow from me with ease, as I recount the tale through mouthfuls of broth. Gaius's gasps and shouts of exclamation coming in exactly the right places.

"What was it like to fly!" Gaius blurts out almost immediately as I conclude my story. His eyes wide and sparkling in amazement. I try to think of how I can describe it. That feeling. That amazing feeling, as I let the wind carry me through the air. Being surrounded by nothing and everything at the same time. I open my mouth to try and convey this to Gaius only to close it again as he murmurs "On second thoughts, don't bother... Your face said it all."

After reminiscing on the topic of dragon lifespans and paying all due, last respects to Kilgharrah; Gaius and I start to clear away our bowls and spoons. Completing this I inspect the workroom, scanning it to see if anything needs doing. I spot the leech tank almost instantly, looking like it hadn't been cleaned in weeks.

Walking over to it, I set to work. Filling a bowl with a small amount of water, (from a bucket that had been filled and brought up from the well.) I empty the leeches into it. Gaius's protests go ignored by me as I continue in my task. This helps... Helps me forget the pain that only death can bring.

Getting rid of the dirty water, I clean the tank of all grime and waste, before extracting the dead leeches from the bowl and replacing the live ones back in the tank. I am just wiping down the outside of the tank when a knock can be heard at the door. Gaius goes to answer it and there, standing on the threshold in an extravagant purple gown, is Guinevere.

Gwen meets Gaius by drawing him in for a warm embrace. Glimpsing me over the shoulder of the physician, she frowns. Pulling back from Gaius, she makes her way around him towards me. When she comes into proximity she frets "Merlin! What are you doing? Your not a servant anymore!"

Confused, it takes me a moment to recognise what she's referring to. Me cleaning the leech tank. Quite unbidden and abruptly I'm annoyed... I'm allowed to clean a stupid leech tank if I want to! "What if Arthur wouldn't have wanted me to be anything more than a servant? This is what I've done for years! Why should it change now?" I yell.

"You know that's not true." Gwen says in a soft lilting voice "Arthur would want the best for you, God knows you deserve it... And change is a part of life! It can be scary but without change there can be no future." I contemplate Gwen's words, I'd never taken the time to appreciate exactly how wise Guinevere had grown since becoming queen. "Your right... I am grateful to you Gwen, but I am still going to work... It distracts me from the grief. It's what I would be doing if- if he was still alive..." I choke despairingly.

"I understand..." Gwen mutters sympathetically, my eyes being compelled to look into her consoling hazel eyes "I miss him too... But if your going to insist on doing chores at least use magic." At Gwen's words my eyes widen in shock and my mouth falls agape. "But what about the law? The ban!" I exclaim. My reaction earns a short burst of laughter from Gwen, before, rescuing her composure she says regally.

"In your absence Merlin, I took it upon myself to look over our Camelonion Laws... And in light of recent events saw it fit that many had to be changed. Some got rid of and new ones made. These laws majorly centered around the topic of sorcery/ magic, of course the law still stands that magic cannot be used for evil or to act on malicious intent. The absolute ban is only lifted as an exception for people who use their magic for good or just for errands/ entertainment purposes."

I raise my eyebrows, impressed and question sarcastically "So... You've not thought this through at all then?" Gwen just rolls her eyes good humorously and speaks.

"Anyway Merlin, Where did you run of to yesterday?" To spare me from once again having to relay the affairs of the previous eventful day, Gaius cuts in with "I can tell you that your Majesty, Merlin, how about you go find Leon and Percival? I'm sure they were worried about you after yesterday... And you have much to catch up on, I'm sure."

My heart warms at the thought of my friends being worried for me and Gaius's welcome interjection. "Thank you Gaius, and I will, I'll go find them now!" I respond and with a slight spring in my step I exit the physicians workroom.

I don't know where this newly regained spring in my step came from, but if I had to guess it would be that despite all that has happened I still have friends... Friends that care. Even better than this, however, Arthur's return has been promised to me... And I'm going to be here to see it.

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