Chapter 9- A Ghost of a Voice

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This is a slightly shorter chapter than most of my others, sorry. Wanted to put an end to the cliffhanger and it was a good point to end. By the way, I forgot to mention but in this story Aithusa is a female dragon. (Just always seen Aithusa as female and no one seems to sure on Aithusa's gender anyway.)

Merlin... This isn't real. This can't be possible... I pinch myself. Hard. The keen pain that sends pulses throughout my left hand at this action however, quickly erases all doubt. This is real and obviously, somehow this can be possible. Merlin... I hear again, louder and more desperate sounding this time.

Now I am certain this is in fact happening, and is not just a figment of my overactive imagination, I know exactly how to respond. This had been Kilgharrah's favoured method of communication to summon me down to the dungeons. The place in which he had once been imprisoned by Arthur's predecessor Uther. I had also had plentiful opportunity to become accustomed to hearing voices inside my head and being able to talk back inside of theirs with the druids. There is a telepathic link that connects all those of magic.

Kilgharrah? How are you ali-? I mean, your dead... I convey strongly through my head. You are right of course young warlock, I am indeed dead... But at the same time I am very much alive. I hear Kilgharrah's voice resonate within my mind, pausing on that cryptic note.

What's that supposed to mean I send back agitatedly. I am trapped between two worlds. That of the living and that of the dead. Soon I will move on from here. Out of this limbo to the true afterlife. Says Kilgharrah telepathically.

How did you contact me? I question curiously. While I remain here... In this realm somewhere between life and death, the link between us remains. I took this opportunity for granted and used it to give you news, the knight, Sir Gwaine... Kilgharrah's voice drifts of at this and frustratedly I speak inside Kilgharrah's mind. What! What about Gwaine? At my words I swear I hear Kilgharrah give a slight sigh before he communicates.

His soul is here just as mine is. It seems he hasn't been here all that long and he, like me, is yet to move on. It may be possible to bring him back. I stay silent. Mentally pleading Kilgharrah to continue. He complies, listening intently, I hear his sonorous voice ringing through me. I have talked to said knight and he has told me he died of Nathair venom. This is nothing short of a miracle, I must say.

I scrunch up my forehead in disbelief... How could Gwaine dying...? Of anything? Be even remotely classed as a miracle. How can you say that? I send to Kilgharrah, quick to express my countering opinion. How can you even think that Gwaine's death, no matter what the cause, is a miracle?

The reason for this is simple young warlock. The fates did not tie so closely into his existence. His story was never destined nor his death foretold, not as yours and Arthur's have been since the dawn of time... And so the fates would have few objections, I'm sure, to letting Sir Gwaine walk this earth once more. Fortunately for you, the means of making this aspiration reality, lies within your grasp. Dragon's blood is the only known remedy to nathair venom, this along with one other thing will be what saves your friend.

I think over his words. Dragon blood will be easy enough to get now that I transform into one... I can bring Gwaine back to life! This thought engulfs me so much that it takes me a short while for the vexation that Kilgharrah has left me with yet another puzzle to set in. What 'other thing' will I need to resurrect Gwaine?

Why you of course, young warlock. Kilgharrah transfers to me with a chuckle In order to revive your friend you will be required to travel to the isle of the blessed; where you must then half fill the cup of life with dragon's blood. From there you will need to look inside yourself... Perhaps more than you ever have before. At the memories from your past and at your hopes for the future. It will be necessary for you to remember your friend in all that he was and all he aspired to be.

I feel at peace with myself. I can do that. I will do that. Just as I know if the roles were reversed Gwaine would do the same for me. Suddenly I feel Kilgharrah's presence fading from my mind. It happens abruptly and quite unwelcomely. I don't want him to go again.

You knew this would not last forever Merlin. I am gone. Gone in every way but one. The memories and hearts of others. Though most souls who's memories I have dwelt in are departed, I know you will continue to carry me with you for the longest time. I hear faintly, brokenly. The link disappears all at once and tears threaten to fall. I don't let them though. There have been enough tears... And although Kilgharrah was a dragon and not a man, I suppose Arthur's words from long ago still stand. "No man is worth your tears..."

 Even though these words had stung at the time, had felt painful and raw, I knew they were wise... And that now is the time to listen to them.

Thankyou for reading :) Hope you enjoyed! Please comment and vote.

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