Chapter 8- Leather Bound Magic

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Chapter 8... Still don't own Merlin.

Outside, dusk is fast approaching. The daylight having dwindled to almost nothing in my time spent in the armoury. On my way to the physicians workroom, my thoughts land on Aithusa.

Aithusa, who's birth I had been witness to and even named The Light of the Sun in the dragon tongue. Aithusa, who was imprisoned in a confined pit for two years and grew crippled and twisted. Aithusa, who, according to Kilgharrah bode well for Albion yet chose to side with Morgana. I didn't blame Aithusa for siding with Morgana though, she had shown Aithusa kindness while they had been tortured together for two years... And we had all been deceived by Morgana.

Submerged in my thoughts, I don't notice I'm standing outside Gaius's door for at least a minute. Shaking my head I open the door and pass into the workroom. I see Gaius and Gwen sitting down at the dinner table. At my arrival Gaius looks behind Gwen at me and Gwen turns in her chair to face me. One look at my expression and Gwen says bluntly "Your leaving to find Aithusa, aren't you?" Vaguely annoyed that Gwen could read me so well I say. "How did you know..." Gwen and Gaius share a smirk and Gwen states "You're an open book, I'm honestly amazed you were able to keep your magic secret for so long. Someone is in danger so you go on a dangerous mission to save them... That's just what you do Merlin."

"Besides." Gaius says mischievously "You always get that expression when your about to do something either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid... I'm not sure which this is..." My face remains impassive and Gaius, suddenly serious, continues "I know we can't stop you... But please Merlin, be careful."
"You know me..." I say with a shrug " I'm always careful. Gaius shakes his head resignedly as Gwen speaks "When are you leaving?"
"Tonight. I'll start my journey as a dragon at midnight and land before turning human again. When I'm not a dragon I will travel by foot... I can't take a horse if I'm flying some of the time." I assert.

A look of disappointment comes across Gwen's face and she sighs. "I guess that means your High Warlock of Camelot ceremony will have to be postponed then, if Aithusa is as far away as you think..."
"Sorry Gwen" I reply, feeling secretly relieved that the ceremony was being delayed. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that strange and frightening prospect quite yet. "Don't be" Gwen expresses forcibly "You'll save this dragon from whatever danger she's in and then you'll come straight back home... To Camelot. You will try not to put your life on the line for once and you will come back unharmed."

I am slightly taken aback by Guineveres commanding tone. As if realising this, Gwen exhales and says dejectedly "Just stay safe, Ok? I would dispatch some knights to go with you but they wouldn't be able to keep up... I could send some on behind you-" "No, that's not necessary Gwen." I interrupt "No need to endanger the knights lives. I'll be fine. You know I will. My magic is powerful." Gwen simply nods before rushing up to me and wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. "Good luck Merlin." I hear her whisper.

"Thank you, tell Leon and Percival for me, will you?" I murmur back. "Of course." She breathes. We break apart and Gwen clears her throat "I've got duties to attend to, goodnight to you both, Gaius, Merlin..." A creak of the door signals Gwen's exit and as it does Gaius says "I'll get you some supper."
"Thanks" I reply "I'll go and have a look in my spell book, I might come across something useful." Gaius inclines his head in agreement and I ascend the stairs. Reaching my room, I retrieve my spell book from its hiding place beneath the loose floorboard. Not, I suppose, that it needs hiding anymore.

Flicking through its familiar, dusty pages, I try to find some beneficial spell/magic to aid me in the rescue of Aithusa. I scan through healing spells, elemental magic, love spells and necromancy; trying to commit it all to memory. After all I don't know what I'm up against, any of it could come in handy... Well except love spells, I don't see how they could possibly be any help. Then, quite unexpectedly, I come across a page in the book that I had never really paid much attention to before, due to the ridiculous complexity of the magic. It was a teleportation spell. I remember witnessing this used on my first day of coming to Camelot.

By Mary Collins who's son had just been executed, following being accused of practicing witchcraft. Morgause, as well, also used a teleportation spell. The same one as written in this book, to get both herself and Morgana away from Camelot after their failed attempt to seize the castle. The spell written in curly, black calligraphy was Bedyrne ús! Astýre ús þanonweard! According to this you also have to have an image of your destination in your mind's eye.

I slowly let out the breath that I had been holding, sighing in regret. There goes that hope of being able to just instantly appear wherever Aithusa is in a puff of smoke. Unfortunately for me, I only know the location of the last living dragon (without counting me.) not the appearance of the location. The door to my room swings open and in comes Gaius. He is holding a plate of two bread rolls with a thin layer of butter, a small block of cheese and some lettuce.

He sits beside me on my cot and holds out the plate to me. I smile, shaking my head. "What would I do without you Gaius..." I say appreciatively. Gaius beams back at me before turning his eyes to the open spellbook on my lap. "Teleportation..." Says Gaius frowning "Never really given it much thought. Very complex branch of magic. Requiring powerful magic. Definitely too powerful for me... But for you, Well you could master it. Of that I have no doubt."
"Thank you Gaius, for your ever exceeding faith in me. I don't know what Aithusa's location looks like so I can't teleport there, but if I do learn how to I could use it to teleport me and Aithusa away." I respond logically. "Go on then Merlin! Give it a try!" Gaius verbalizes excitedly.

Taken unawares I say uncertainty "Um, Ok..." I look over the spell again, repeating it in my head again and again trying to make sure I get the pronunciation right. "Where should I attempt to teleport to?" I question. "Anywhere!" Gaius says eagerly. "I'll try downstairs for now" I say bemusedly at Gaius's enthusiasm. I cough to clear my throat. Closing my eyes tightly, I picture Gaius's workroom. The wooden workbenches and the many vials and elixirs. Taking a deep breath I take up the chant "Bedyrne ús! Astýre ús þanonweard!"

Nothing happens. No whirlwind of smoke. No sudden coldness. No change in setting. Crestfallen, I open my eyes only to see Gaius's looking at me disbelievingly. "Don't tell me your giving up after one attempt... The mighty Emrys indeed!" Gaius exclaims. Smiling up at him I say firmly "Fine. One more try." Cautiously I repeat the process, with the image of the court physicians workroom in my head, I echo the spell. "Bedyrne ús! Astýre ús þanonweard!" Still nothing.

I fight desperately to hide the dissatisfaction that I'm sure is taking rest in my expression. Not hard enough I think, as Gaius gains that knowing twinkle in his eyes. You'll get there Merlin." reassures Gaius soothingly "You always do. Now eat your supper and get some sleep you have a long journey ahead of you." I give Gaius a grateful nod and he leaves the room. Quietly closing the door behind him. I don't feel particularly hungry until the first morsel of bread crosses my lips and suddenly I'm devouring it. Ripping bread apart and munching on cheese and lettuce. When my plate is empty I put it on the small table beside my bed, telling myself I would take it down when I leave.

I then whisper Nocte somno realising I would need to be woken every night before midnight. I didn't want to have to say Exitare every evening. I then collapse onto my cot, succumbing to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. My slumber is fitful and brief. My nightmares are imposed on by a voice. A voice that reverberates around my head. One word over and over again. Merlin... I sit up sharply in my cot. My eyes snapping open. I keep expecting the voice to stop. Everything else has; the nightmares, the terror and the screams that comes with them... So why hadn't the voice. Because it couldn't be real. I must still be dreaming... That wasn't it though... Because I don't dream. Not anymore. I have nightmares.

That voice... A ghost's voice. A voice from the dead.


Cliffhanger... Sorry had to. Hope you enjoyed. Please vote and leave any thoughts in the comments section.

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