Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


We were all in the house when people just started to flood in we put on some music and everyone started dancing. Just then as I was about to head up the stairs I saw our front door open and I heard a bunch of giggles and I turned around to see Ella standing there shyly looking gorgeous as ever she tucked some of her brown curls behind her ear and looked up at me. Once our eyes met I just knew she was the perfect girl. I walked towards her completely forgetting that I was supposed be doing upstairs and I have her a hug.

"Hey Sam!" she smiled

"Hey!! You look amazing!" I replied.

" Aw your so sweet and you don't look to bad your self"

" thanks.. Do you want anything to drink" I know we are under age but seriously let's have some fun

"Oh no thanks do you just have like pepsie or coke"

I felt so bad I could tell Ella wasn't all about this whole drinking thing and really neither was I so I grabbed her a coke and we walked to the living room were every one was at and I lost her in the crowd.

"Shit" I lost her I don't want some guy dancing all over her!

I wondered threw the crowd and saw some guy sloppy drunk all over her she was just trying so hard to push him off. That it no no no not in this house with any girl especially her! I walked over to him grabbed him by the t shirt and said

"HEY ASS WIPE" and punched him right across the face and again in the nose just because and grabbed Ella and pulled her outside.

"Oh my" she stuttered. Great now she Probally thinks I'm an over protective jerk.

"Listen Ella I'm sorry... It's just that he shouldn't be doing that and I ju-" she cut me off

"Sam it's okay" she said sitting down in the grass, "Thank you"

I was relived "Any time, any place" I assured her. We just laid in the grass looking at all the stars and how amazing it looked. Ella leaned over and laid her head on my chest listening to my heart and I wrapped my arms around her and we just relaxed listening to the party music in the distance it was perfect and all I could think was SCOREEEEE!



Me and Sam laid under the stars for a while and I listened to his heart beat and he held me close and at that moment there was no where else I would rather be. About a half and hour or so later I got up when I got a text from Jenn saying I need your help I was worried so I rushed into the house with Sam right behind me. I guess Cameron and Nash showed up while we were outside but some girl Taylor who was totally trashed was all over cameron and he couldn't get her of she was death grip clenched onto his neck. Luckily marabelle was in the bathroom because what this chick is doing is so not cool and I know it's weird for me to get mad about this because I'm not the one dating Cameron but me and Cameron have know each other since we were like 10 and he is like a brother to me. So I walked over and grabbed the girl by her hair and pulled her off and as soon as I pulled her off and she fell onto the floor a hand came flying in and mara had slapped her right across the face and after that we declared it was time for us to go.

Cameron's POV

"Babe, I'm telling you she came on to me," I explained to Marabelle for the 100th time.

"I just don't understand. It didn't look like you were trying to get her off you. Ella was the only one to take charge," she said with tears forming in the corner of her eyes. I don't want to see her cry or be in a fight with her. I really really like Mara.

"I'm so sorry your the only girl I like please forgive me," I begged.

"I don't know Cameron, can you give me time to think?" She asked. That sentence right there made me feel like shit.

"Yeah sure, take as long as you need." I faked smiled.

Marabelle's POV

I really don't know what to think, I really like Cameron but I don't know. So many question are going through my mine....

Did he bring her there?

Did he cheat on me?

Does he still like me?

Does he like her?

Wait he couldn't she was ...

Mara stop this is crazy you shou....

Wait stop talking to yourself ask someone who is not yourself..... Stella perfect

"Hey Stells, Do you think Cameron was cheating on me with that girl?" I asked Stella.

"No I seen him trying to push her off. He struggled because he's weak. Jk she had a death grip on him....and wait please tell me you guys weren't having a fight about this!!" Stella responded.

"Well kinda it's a long story but anyways thanks boo."

"Yip yip" wow I have a weird bestfriend.

So after that convo I decided to run to Cam, Nash, Carter, and Hayes place to tell him. Luckily he was right across the street. I don't really knock anymore because we have been dating for a while. I walked in they have a pretty nice house couldn't find him on the first floor so checked in his room. I can't believe what I saw...

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