Chapter 20: The Beach!!!

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Jaiden: Are you sure you don't need any sunblock?
Bryan: No, I'm sure...
Jaiden: Ok... just don't complain if you get a sunburn...
Bryan: I won't mom, I promise...
Andrew: When are you coming out???
Bryan: I'm coming!!!
James: Apparently, he's changing...
Jaiden: Teenager things...
Bryan: Can you sure, Andrew???
Andrew: I dont know, my parents tried to make me surf... and they never could...
Bryan: Well, let's see....... try that wave!!!
Andrew: Here goes nothing *screams, tries surfing and falls down*
Bryan: OH SHOOT!!! Andrew, Are you ok!?!?!?
Andrew: Yeah... but my whole body hurts...
Bryan: uh... well, let's try again...
Stuart: What's up guys???
Bryan: Stuart? What are you doing here?
Stuart: I just went by my own to the beach... but, didn't expect you guys here...
Bryan: Well...
Andrew: *SCREAMS!!!* *tries surfing* GUYS.... LOOK!!!
Bryan: OMG, HOW???!!!?!?!??!
Andrew: hold on!!! *screams and wave drives him back* hey, guys...
Bryan: That was crazy!!!
Andrew: I KNOW, RIGHT???!!!
Stuart: Actually, your mom told me to tell you that she was making lunch...
Bryan: OH, that's great!!!
Stuart: Well... should we play tennis???
Bryan: Yeah...

Andrew: HIT IT!!!
Bryan: I'm trying!!! *Hits it*
Stuart: nonononononononononononononononononononono!!!!!!!!! *misses it* awww come on man!!!
Bryan and Andrew: YEAH!!!

James: I love how Bryan plays with his friends...
Jaiden: I think he's not my little boy anymore...
James: Yeah... *rings phone* who's that... Alex??? *picks up* hello?
Alex: HEY, JAMES!!! HOW ARE YOU!?!?!?!?
James: I'm doing good, Its been so long since we haven't seen or talked!!!
Alex: That's awesome!!! What are you doing???
James: I'm in the beach, with my son and Jaiden... and you???
Alex: nothing much, just with my little girl walking around and going to the park... the usual stuff...
James: oh... do you know about Adam and Rebecca???
Alex: He told me he was at dinner with her and he left his son with yours at the beach...
James: Oh, ok... well....... wanna see if we can hang out all of us, together one day???
Alex: I think so, yeah... I'll have to see what they are going to do, though...
James: Well... in that case, I'll wait for you guys...
Alex: Okay... see you later, man...
James: Bye!!! *hangs up*
Jaiden: Who was that???
James: Alex...
Jaiden: his still alive???
James: frequently, yes...
Jaiden: Oh... well... BOYS!!!
Bryan: Yeah????
Jaiden: Come on, the food is almost ready, so, time to eat!!!
Bryan: Guys, The food's almost ready, let's go...
Stuart: I'm dying of hunger, dude...
Andrew: Me too... only had cookies before I went...
Stuart: That's no that bad...

*After a few hours of the day*

James: Well, see you guys later!!!
Adam, Rebecca and Alex: BYE!!!
Jaiden: Bye!!! *close the door*
James: Well, that was fun...
Jaiden: Wanna... you y'know???
James: Every time...

*they do "the thing"*

James: I can't support my parents making out...
Andrew: *on skype* I know but...... why are talking on this glitchy omegle-like thing?
James: That's the only way we can talk...
Andrew: But... why are your parents banging???
Bryan: They do it, before I was born and after i was born...
Andrew: I gotta go, man... we have college tomorrow and I can't stay up all night long... bye...
Bryan: see you, man... *Andrew leaves* Well... let's go to sleep then...

HEY, guys it's me I'm back and to let you know... the next episode... is going to be... the end of this book... I know, I know... but don't freak out I've got another book based off this one... just wait and see what I have in my mind... personal stuff... nah!!!! I'm kidding!!! But it is going to end so yeah!!!
WELL, see you later, Bye!!!

TheOdd1sOut x Jaiden Where stories live. Discover now