Luke (Part 2)

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"Kendra, I have to go to school." I had tried my best to avoid my older sister because I had no interest in finishing whatever conversation she had tried to start. "Dad, can we go now."

"What is your problem, Luke." Kendra rolled her eyes. "I'm taking him to school dad, come on."

I groaned, but followed her out to her car.

"What's dad gonna say?" I asked her, throwing my bag by my feet.

"I don't know." She seemed to not have thought about anything before I started asking her things.

"Are you gonna move out?" She shook her head.

"Not for a while at least, unless they want us to."

"Does Josh know?" She nodded, and I thought I covered all the bases. "When is it gonna be born?"

"I'm like 3 ish months along right now, but it's due date is May 1st."

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" I asked finally, as we pulled up to the school.

"Girl." She said. "So does Josh."

"Okay, nice talk, bye." I said quickly getting out of the car, and walking to my first school day.

It wasn't great, I mean a lot of people had watched my dads channels, I guess and some of them were kind of mocking me for stuff I did when I was younger. But it's whatever, I guess.

I had expected to make more friends, but that did not happen. I still had approximately two friends, my sister and her boyfriend.

"Hey, bub, how was your day?" Morgan picked me up from school today.

I shrugged, "Could've been better."

"Was it bad?" She asked, pulling out of the parking lot? "Do you want McDonalds?"

"I mean, it was whatever. But yeah, I want McDonalds."

"You know Ryland is gonna want to hear about it, Shane might leave you alone and so will Kendra."

"I know." I tried to avoid conversation and just sing along to whatever was on the radio.

How was I supposed to tell them that I kind of just wanted them to delete all videos with me in them then never put their social media's or cameras near me again. They both still loved youtube, so I couldn't just make them stop doing it. But I could stop being in it, I guess.

"Can I get a Coke?" I asked, as she ordered.

Sure enough, I got a text from Ryland two seconds later.

From Dad 'hey bub!! sorry i had a doctors appt so i couldn't pick you up and shane and ken were out looking for something, ill tell you later. but how was school.' He said, and I kind of just wanted to cry. How was I supposed to lie to the person who saw through everything I did.

To Dad 'it was good dad, and it's cool, me and morgan went to get food. what time will you be home?'

From Dad 'im on my way back. what happened at school, did you find friends?'

I could hear his hopeful tone with in the text.

To Dad 'yeah dad, i found a couple people that are cool'

From Dad 'okay bub, see you soon'

I knew right then that he saw through everything I just said.

We pulled up to the house and I tried to go as quick as possible to my room.

"Woah, bud what's wrong?" Josh asked as I ran into him when running up the stairs.

"Nothing. Just a lot of homework." I kept moving past him.

"On the first day?" He questioned, but I didn't answer.

I shut the door behind me, putting my bag on the desk chair. (A/N do y'all want a room tour for him or does it not matter).

I dramatically fell on my bed and plugged my phone in. I turned on the Vices and Virtues album by Panic! At the Disco and just kind of felt bad for myself for a little bit.

Then mid self pity session, Ryland came in and shut the door behind him.

"What happened at school, Luke." He sat next to me and played with my hair, the same way I had seen him do with Kendra when she had bad days.

"Nothing, dad. I told you." I said sitting up.

"Then why are you upset? I just wanna help you, Luke."

"I'm just tired." I answered, pulling the pillow over my face. "Can you just leave me alone for a while so that I can take a nap?"

Ryland sighed, but gave it up. "Okay. I love you."

"Love you too." I answered, and put the pillow back under my head.

I slowly fell asleep, already filled with dread about having to go back to school tomorrow

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