Shyland Engagement Bonus Chapter

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a/n : so this takes place more so in the timeline of the first book. so it's before they adopt luke. congrats to shane and ryland! i also have no idea how it actually happened this is just a spin on it!
also i think i ended the last book with them still living at the old house but now just for story purposes they're at the new house sorry about that.

I woke up to the whispers of Morgan and Shane, they were hiding out in my room for whatever reason, I was just trying to sleep.

"What do you want." I groaned, sitting up some.

"Oh you can go back to sleep we just needed to talk without interrupting dad sleeping." Shane tried to explain.

"So you thought it was a better idea to interrupt the 14 year old?" I asked, and they both shrugged. "Whatever, I'm up now. What are we talking about that dad can't know?"

"Ken, I don't think I want you to know either." Shane laughed.

"Dad!" I whined. "That's not fair. What time is it that you woke me up at only to not tell me tea."

"It's like 10. But it's me and dads 3 year anniversary, so can you please just try your best to not be obnoxious." Shane laughed, quickly telling me he was joking.

"That's rude." I stood up, I was wearing red and black flannel pajama pants and a black shirt.

"Kendra, were gonna go to breakfast today, just you me and dad okay. So can you get dressed?" Shane asked as he and Morgan stood up.

"Kendra literally gets dressed every day pretty much even when she doesn't have anything to do." Morgan laughed.

"Okay, go wake up dad, let me get dressed."

I put on a black t shirt dress and black shirt heeled boots, with a jean jacket over it. I put on some natural make up, but not a ton. Dad (Shane) has been trying to teach me since he gets the promotion things now.


I sat across from Shane and Ryland as we all picked through various breakfast foods.

"No wait let me tell this part." Ryland said. They were trying to tell me stories about how they met and stuff, but they were kinda struggling, but I didn't care.

"So were in Mexico right?" He started.

"Right." I said. "Still a little upset I haven't been invited on any of these Mexico trips but continue."

They told me stories for about two hours, the waiters hated us because we were taking so long, but we kept ordering food and new drinks so it was okay.

When we left the restaurant it was about noon, and Shane said we were going to dinner at like 6, so we were gonna chill for a while.

I changed back into my pajamas, and laid on the couch and watched movies. Andrew and Garrett came over at some point while I was asleep. Ryland was watching movies with me and Shane kept making phone calls and texting people.

"Are you coming to dinner with us?" I asked Garrett, as he started to try and braid my hair.

"I think so." He looked to Shane for conformation and Shane nodded.

"Ken, you might wanna get dressed soon." Ryland suggested.

I looked at what everyone else was wearing, mainly jeans and like button up shirts, or nice t shirt.

"Dress code?" I asked, looking between the group of my family sprawled across the couch.

"Maybe like nice jeans and a casual ish shirt?" Ryland said, as I turned to go up the stairs.

I put on black skinny jeans with some small rips in them. Then I put on a light pink halter bralette, with a tight fitting, slight v neck, white shirt. I put on my pink and white checkered Vans, and went back downstairs. I called Morgan up into my room, and she put my hair in two French braids. Ryland had gotten me the new Lokai bracelet with hearts on it, so I put that on to.

"Good?" I went to come back downstairs to check with somebody that this was appropriate for where we were going, but there were a bunch of people. I recognized some of them as Rylands parents, and then obviously Shane's mom.

I quickly found Ryland and kind of hid behind him. "Ken, say hi." He was talking to his mom, so I briefly joined that conversation before deciding I was going to go hide behind Shane.

"Hey guys it's almost time to go." Shane said, and we all went outside, trying to figure out who was riding with who to the restaurant.

"Hey Kendra, can you come here for a sec?" Shane asked, so I quickly left Garrett's side, apologizing as I gave him a hug and followed Shane.

"Am I riding with you?" I asked him.

"I don't care." Shane answered, fiddling with his hands.

"Why'd you call me over than, what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong." He laughed, and pulled me into a side hug. "I love you."

"Love you too." I smiled.

"You guys talking about me." Ryland jokes, joining our conversation.

Our family had kinda stopped trying to get in cars and now was just talking outside. Morgan was trying to get a good picture of Teresa and Vicki together.

"Hey guys, can you come here for a second." Shane asked, leaving an arm around me.

Our group, Rylands grandma, Rylands parents, Morgan, and Shane's mom, came into a tight ish huddle.

"Like three steps back?" Shane bartered.

I looked at Morgan, because she seemed to know what was happening. I gave her a questioning look and she just shook her head.

"Ryland," Shane started, taking my hand in one hand, and Rylands in the other, "you're my best friend, and my rock, and I don't want anything more than to have more kids with you, and I know you want your farm too but, raising Kendra with you has been my favorite experience. But I just see us growing old together, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

At this point I was sobbing, and so was dad, I wasn't really paying attention to anyone else. And Shane - messily but perfectly - got down on two knees in front of Ryland, pulling a box out of his pocket.

"Will you marry me?" Ryland nodded through tears.

Shane stood up, and they kissed each other - and usually I made fun of them when they kissed in front of me, but I didn't care. They pulled me into their little hug, and I was literally sobbing.

"Are you okay?" Shane kissed the top of my head, and wiped some of the tears falling on his face.

"Yeah. You guys are just like my favorite people and I'm so happy I don't know what to do." I laughed, and Ryland hugged me a little tighter, leaning to kiss the side of my forehead.

"I love you, Ken." Ryland said, as we parted our hug and remembered other people were there.

"Love you Dad." I squeezed his hand, as I ran to Garrett, hugging him.

"Are you okay?" Garrett laughed, "I think you're crying more than anyone." I hit him lightly as he laughed at me. "I'm kidding! I was taking pictures, I'll text them to you. You're so cute, Ken."

I finally reached Morgan and she was crying almost as much as me and Ryland had been.

"Is this what you and dad were talking about this morning?" I asked, and she laughed, nodding.

Shane posted pictures on the way to the restaurant. And Twitter collectively lost its mind. I decided on some Garrett had sent me. One of Shane holding my hand on his knees in front of Ryland, my hand over my mouth and clearly crying, one of Shane kissing the top of my head when we had our little hug moment, and one of just Ryland and I hugging and being disasters since we both cried the most.

"i have no words right now. but my two favorite people on earth are engaged. im so lucky to be apart of a family that loves each other so much. love you all always." I captioned the pictures.

When we got back from the restaurant I immediately fell asleep on the couch, using Shane as a pillow and Rylands jacket as a blanket.

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