Luke (Part 5)

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School hasn't been any better. People constantly DM me things that Shane and Ryland post about me and make fun of me for it. I still have no friends and Ryland is starting to catch on.

"Hey." I called Kendra because I didn't know what else to do.

"What's wrong you never call me." She said right away.

"Is dad with you?" I asked. I had now decided I needed Shane advice, not Kendra advice.

"He just left here he should be there soon." She replied and I quickly stood up to go downstairs.

"Okay bye." I hung up quickly because she's my sister and I'm allowed to do that. "Dad?" I asked Shane since he was sitting on the couch.

"What's up, bub?" He put his phone down on the table and moved over so I could sit.

"I don't wanna go to school anymore." I stated.

"Why what happened?" He looked confused, but I had also said that I loved school for the past how ever long. "You we're doing so good your grades were really good too."

"I don't have any friends and nobody will really talk to me and people DM me on Instagram about stuff I do that you guys post." I tried to explain.

"Can you bring me your phone." I ran upstairs to get it, and tried to wipe my eyes off in my room so I didn't cry.

"Here." I handed it to him when I got downstairs and he opened Instagram and went through my request for DMs. Some of them were nice, just fans and stuff, but most of them were from people from school.

"Why didn't you tell us?" He asked, looking heartbroken.

"I didn't want you to be mad at me because I'm the one that wanted to go to school." I said, as he wrapped me in his arms.

"I'll talk to dad okay, you aren't going to school tomorrow, I'm gonna go in to school tomorrow to unenroll you and enroll you online again. I want to keep your phone though okay? Not because of you but because I don't want you seeing any more of this." I nodded in agreement. "Go take a shower and then we'll go do something."

"Can we get ice cream?" I asked, starting to stand up.

"Yeah." He kissed the top of my head. "Love you, bub."

"Love you too."

I went upstairs to take a shower and brought sweatpants and a t shirt with me to change into. The shower felt weird. In like an internal kinda way. Like I felt relieved, but at the same time more stressed out. I didn't notice how hot the shower was until my skin was red and I could feel the sweat through the still running water. I quickly turned it back down and tried to focus on actually showering. I washed my hair probably three times, I kept forgetting I had already washed it.

Eventually, I gave up and just got out of the shower. I changed into my black sweatpants and a random t shirt that I'm pretty sure I stole from Ryland.

"Are you ready?" Shane asked me as I slid on a pair of slides.

"Yeah." I got into the car and put on some music. I shuffled my Eminem playlist with intentions of letting it play through.

"So what's been up. Just with life." I should've known that going somewhere meant talking.

"I go to school. I don't fail but I don't have any friends and then I hang out with Kendra and that's like it."

"What about that one kid that came over?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"Can we eat in the car?" I asked, as we got closer.

"Yeah." He replied, "Do you need anything from the mall while we're over here."

"No." I got a text from Ryland, asking where me and Shane went. Shane told me to tell him that they would talk later.

Shane and I got our ice cream, and started to eat and Shane started to drive back. I was so tired. Between being stressed about school then crying then this drive for ice cream. I wasn't super hungry after I got my ice cream and only ate about half of it.

"Are you okay, bub?" Shane asked glancing over at me.

"I'm just tired." I put my ice cream in the cup holder, curled into a ball in my seat and closed my eyes to sleep for the rest of the drive home.

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