Kendra (Part 4)

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"Dad, I don't like that!" I leaned backwards on the couch and put my head in my hands. "Dad, I'm sorry. I just need to relax a minute."

"I'm sorry, relax, stress is bad for the baby." Shane made eye contact with me and I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Josh is getting stuff for the kitchen and then I'm gonna put that away and be done for the day." I said, looking at my phone time which read 6:47.

"Have you thought about names? You're due soon, Ken." He asked.

"Yes, dad. I've thought about names." I answered. "My two main options right now are Dylan Rose and Laney Brooke." I smiled, as he made an "awe" sound.

"Dylan sounds better with Anderson." Anderson was Josh's last name.

"I like them both for different reasons. Like Laney Brooke just is cute but it sounds very preppy, and Dylan leaves more room for her to be her own person, but Rose is still girly." I explained.

"I like whatever you like. And whatever you don't use now you can use on your next child." He joked, and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know. There's so much time in between me and Luke and it made us closer but also separated us more." I shrugged. "Right now I only want one, she'll have to be really cool for me to want another." I rested my hand on my stomach.

"I mean, they'll also probably have a different relationship than you and Luke because they aren't adopted, and that's not being mean or anything." Shane tried to explain as he took a sip of his drink. "Because you and Luke both know that you both had been through stuff when you were growing up, but you and Josh are gonna be the only family they know, and us."

"Even when Luke broke my hand?" I held up my left hand as proof, I had just gotten the cast off right before I got pregnant. Me and Luke we're arguing about who knows what, and he was chasing me (because clearly were 5, not 12 and 22) then he tried to grab my shirt and pushed me down the stairs. It was only like the last three stairs though.

"Oh my God." He laughed. "That was the maddest I've been in my life. Well besides when we first got to talk about Luke's file- and you know." He trailed off.

But that is Luke's story to tell for himself, not mine.

"Besides, how do you even know if you want more kids? Before you adopted Luke, I heard you and dad talking about how you wanted another one. How do you know?" I asked.

"Well we had you, and the dogs and cat, obviously, but we were giving you all the love that we could, and the animals, and when we still had more left to give that's when we knew we wanted another."

"That was the sappiest thing I've ever heard." I laughed.

"Once the baby is born you'll understand more, I think." His phone started ringing. "And it's Garrett. Hey Garrett, it's me and Ken. You're on speaker."

"Hi, Kendra!" He said excitedly, "How's the baby?"

"Still in me." I laughed. "A month and a half ish more."

"I'm gonna come stay with your dads and you when she's born so I can be closer to help." He laughed, and Shane must've noticed something in the tone that I didn't.

"Garrett we've been over this, she isn't naming the baby after Harry Potter or a superhero."

"Hermione is pretty badass though." I laughed. "I'm still thinking about a name, I just talked to dad, still have to talk to Ryland but me and Josh picked our final two."

"Do I get to hear them?" Garrett asked, hopefully.

"Dylan Rose or Laney Brooke."

"Brooke is your middle name!" Garrett, and I laughed, and Shane buried his face in his hands.

"Garrett I'm 99% sure that was the point of Brooke." Shane groaned.

"Josh is here." I stood up to help Josh with the Target bags of kitchen utensils. "Hey, babe." I kissed his lips gently, standing on my toes. "Garrett's on the phone if you wanna say hi to him while I start on these."

"Got it." He walked into the living room area (literally like a yard or two away) and started to make small talk with Garrett.

I organized forks, knives, and spoons into the drawer  next to the fridge. Pots and pans went in the cabinet above the stove. Hand towels went into the cabinet to the right of the stove, and dish soap went in the cabinet to the left. The kitchen wasn't huge, but it fit what we needed right now. I placed one of the things of dish soap next to the sink, and hung a towel on the handle of the dish washer. I placed a cutting board on the flat area with no drawers that was in between the stove and kitchen, then a bigger bowl that could have fruit or something. We could put a chair or bench under it, there was nothing under it. I put bowls and plates in the cabinets right above that, and decided I was done, throwing trash into the trash can as I left.

"I didn't realize it was gonna take only like 15 minutes I would've helped you." Josh said as I walked in.

"It's okay." I shrugged. "I'm tired though, can we go to sleep."

"Night, Kendra." Garrett yelled from the phone.

"Goodnight Garrett." I smiled.

"I'll be in in a couple minutes." Josh said, and I nodded.

"Dad? You wanna stay here tonight or are you going home?" I asked, slowly moving towards my room, which currently only had a mattress and boxes.

"I'm gonna go home. Night Ken, I love you."

"Love you too dad." He came over to hug me.

We all finished our "good night"s and "love you"s, and I finally got to lay in bed.

I fell asleep peacefully, dreaming of what my little baby would look like when she was finally born.

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