Luke (Part 8)

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(A/N: This will be the final chapter, I'm going to try and conclude it as much as I can. This story isn't going anywhere and I'm out of ideas for it. If you have anymore questions about why it's ending or if you need stuff wrapped up more please just comment!)

Today was the day that Dylan came home. Garrett and I had gone grocery shopping for them the day before and tried to clean up a little bit so they didn't have that much to do.

Kendra had announced the baby on social media the day after she was born, so everyone knew about her.

I was trying not to feel too much or make too much stuff about me.

I had been staying with Garrett, trying to make something happen with anything. I was hoping just to feel something that wasn't bad or would hurt anyone.

I held the baby, and she was something that made life not hurt as much for a second.

"Are you ready to go?" Garrett asked, we were about to go meet them at Kendra's house.

"Yeah." I slid my phone in my pocket and followed Garrett to his car.

"So what's been up? You've been quiet since Dylan was born." He asked. Garrett has always been pretty much by best friend, I should've known he would see through.

"I don't know. I was still kinda like sad and stuff right before she was born but I don't want to seem like I'm taking the attention from her because she is literally a baby." I tried to explain without going too deep into it.

"Well, I get if you don't wanna get into it with your parents and your sister right now, but you can always talk to me about it. I'm your cool uncle, I'm supposed to fix these things." That did make me laugh. "No but seriously, while everyone is getting settled into the baby I don't have to get settled into anything new, so I can help you."

"I just don't want anyone to get mad at me about it."

"Nobody would get mad at you." He promised me. "But I just want you talking to me, especially now that I know you're feeling like this. I would rather you talk to me than no one okay?"

I agreed as we arrived at Kendra's apartment. My parents were already there so Garrett and I met them inside.

I noticed how Garrett kept a closer eye on me than he usually did. Don't get me wrong, I'm probably closer to Garrett than either of my parents because I feel like I can talk to him more. Garrett has always watched out for me too the same way he had watched Kendra when she was a little bit younger. But when Ken went to college Garrett and I got way closer.

Josh was in the kitchen trying to heat something up for dinner while the baby was asleep and Kendra was in the shower. Ryland and Shane watched closely, they didn't know how to help them exactly since they never parented babies.

"Here." Ryland eventually took over cooking and Josh went to the couch and fell asleep.

Kendra was still in the shower when Dylan started crying in her bedroom, Josh was knocked out asleep and Ryland was cooking. Shane got up to go get her, but I told him to sit down.

I went to Dylan's room and picked her up out of her crib and I sat in the rocking chair. She was really cute.

"Hi Dylan." I spoke to her softly as I rocked in the chair. "I'm your uncle Luke." She still cried as I spoke.

I rocked her slowly and patted her back.

"It's okay." I held her close to me as she calmed down.

It was at this moment I decided that I wanted to be for her what Garrett always was to me and Kendra.

She stopped crying and looked up at me with big eyes. I stuck my tongue out at her, laughing at myself.

"We're gonna be friends okay?" I told her, she didn't know what I meant but I hoped she would sometime soon.

I rocked her more as she closed her eyes again, gently touching the top of her head.

"Good night." I smiled as she was finally asleep.

I leaned back in the chair, careful to watch where I was moving her. Eventually, with the baby in my hands and feeling less sad than I had been, I fell asleep as well.

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