First Encounter

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Living as the son of the city mayor made little Noctis losses trust in the society surrounding him. Well except for his trusty bodyguards Ignis and Gladio. Who swore their loyalty to the little lad. Noctis was nine years old while both Ignis and Gladio were fourteen years. Though both of them could still be considered a child but their skill and personality seemed to show that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Ignis was competent as a private secretary as well as a well manner and competent butler. Ready to serve little Noctis at everything he needed as well as what he ate. While Gladio appearance would already be considered much more of an adult. With his tall and dominating look and posture. Ready to tackle anything in front of him. The duo was quite known in town. And now the both of them served as Noctis personal guards.

He doesn't hate them compared to many of the people around them which he despises. Being the son of a mayor, many gave mouth services to little Noctis just to gain favors. Even his friends would treat him differently. Somehow he hated everything, he just wanted to live a normal life without being flattered or guarded. He just wanted to be free and be a kid. Good thing that both Ignis and Gladio realized this and would sometimes let him do whatever he wanted though still supervised as usual.

That day in Noctis's school an announcement of a transfer student were spreading across his school. Many of his classmates were excited. Well, he was also excited but thinking that they might be like the rest of his friends, his excitement died down. And he just acted nonchalant towards it. Seeing his aloof self, he could sometimes hear his classmate whispering around.

"I bet Noctis wouldn't care about it"

"Yeah, he already had a lot of friends"

"Oh did you also got invited to his birthday party"

"Yeah, everyone in the class is invited. I bet they are going to make it as fancy as can be"

"What kind of dress should we wear?"

"I don't know, but I can't wait for him. The Mayor said that there would be fireworks"

"Yeah it was going to be big, can't wait for the party"

He was going to turn ten this year. And his birthday would be celebrated at the end of the month with everyone in his whole class invited even though he didn't even give any consent to this. It's just his Father was trying to have him have some fun with his friends. Friends... Never have someone like those. Sick of all the way their classmate kept on mentioning about his father and the party he decided to take a nap instead.

This is also one of the things that he often does at school. But because he is the son of the mayor none of the teachers dares to wake him up so they just let him be. Also, his grade was still top of the class even with him doing whatever he wants so the teachers never complained. Noctis was a heavy sleeper, even with the class going on about the new student in their class, he wasn't woken up one bit. Yet he continued to snooze all the way until lunch break.


Little Noctis's eyes fluttered open. But he wasn't fully awake yet. He always had a hard time opening his eyes and focusing after waking up so he decided to go out of class to grab some fresh air. As he walked he could hear more of his classmate of even the other student whispering about him. Yet he didn't care and he just wants to go to the school courtyard as soon as possible. He wanted to find another place to take a nap and maybe an even better one. As he passes the corridor toward the courtyard, he looked around to find a shady tree. The perfect spot for his little nap. Without thinking he sat below it, but as he did he could hear a soft meowing from above his head.

He lifted his gaze and was struck awe.

A boy around his age with glistening blonde hair with striking clear blue eyes different than his own stormy blue eyes were looking straight back at him. Face filled with noticeable freckles and a beautiful smile on his face. Noctis could feel something caught up in his throat. At that moment a lot of emotion was emerging inside of him. He was enchanted, nervous, and surprised but compare to all of that he was in awe. A soft whispered escape his mouth.

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