{Love You More}

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The next couple of months were... Turbulent to say the least.. 

With the progression of the Pregnancy, Lance was taken back just how drastic the mood swings seemed, given Keith's usual pass aggressive attitude, it was like Keith had suddenly developed bipolar!

One moment fine, then something would trigger tears, then the tears would trigger the anger that came with crying in front of others, then the anger triggered the guilt. It was a wonder he didn't get whiplash from the speed of the changes. 

But there were times when Lance didn't mind, like when his love needed cuddles and reassurances, the blue paladin was only too happy to hold and make him happy. 

Of course, then the cravings accompanied  the mood swings not long afterwards, something hunk handled as best as he could with his cooking various forms of earth-like food, something that didn't completely satisfy but didn't disappoint, the only real worry was Keith's demands for the yellow paladin's Scultrite cookies, that he broke into pieces and ate slowly, letting them melt on his tongue. 

It took ten minutes to eat one, but it made him happy and how could they refuse? It also helped to stock back up lenses for the Teladove, should they ever be needed once more. 

Things settled comfortably in at four months. Everyone was comfortable, excited for the new little one to join their ranks, gathering as much as was appropriate for a human child - or would it be Galra? or part like Keith? - but there was a quiet tension through the group. Apart from Coran, and technically Allura, no one but Lance really had any experience with young children, being barely adults themselves. 

It worried Shiro of course, as well as the expectant mother to be, who were both trying to think of what to do in case of this or that, or any imaginary scenario they came up with, answers easily supplied by the Blue paladin. 

Even when Lance and Keith had retired to their own room, needing some time from the other's worrying, curled up in the covers and wrapped in each other's arms with some space taken into account so as not to accidentally bump the baby bump. 

With fingers curled in the ravenette's long locks,  Lance whispered reassurances to his lover, that he would be a fine father, that the child would be fine, no matter what it was. 

Keith sighed, tracing light patterns over the shirt of the Cuban in his embrace. "But... But what are we gonna do if it's a girl? I know nothing about all that stuff..." 

"Luckily for us, I had older sisters that dressed me up, and taught me some hair styling tricks..." He joked, quiet laughter filling the room, " And we'll cross that Bridge when we get to it, for now, don't worry so much, Mullet, you'll get wrinkles."


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, and the long wait for the update, but the ups and downs of modern day life paired with researching the stages of pregnancy whilst reassuring others you are not pregnant is exhausting ^^'

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