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It's hard to tell if its day or night without the sun waking you up early in the morning, lighting up the world during the day, or the moon to lull you to sleep with its calming light and guiding the creatures of the night.

 Those are some of the many things Lance missed about Earth, along with his family and old friends that he so suddenly had to leave behind. The handsome Latino also yearned to once again feel the warm comforting wind flow over him, the warmth of the Earth's sun soaking into his smooth skin and not to forget the soothing feel of the rain gracing his being as he stared up into the grey gloomy sky. 

Lance missed it all so much...

Don't get him wrong, he loved being a paladin for the Blue Lion, him and Blue have a strong connection, he was also grateful for the family he now has within space, he has a deep connection with each and everyone of them, even the space mice.


He just missed his home...

Lance lowered his head as he wandered through the large hallways of the ship, no destination in mind, he just wanted to walk around for a while in hopes of clearing his foggy mind.

Lance not only missed home... but he also felt...bewilderment...

Recently, he's found that he couldn't be in the same room with a certain Red Paladin for more than a minute, he felt this strange warmth fill his chest when Keith was close. Not only that but he felt his heart yearn to be beside Keith, wanting see his devilishly good-looking smile, his cute laugh that brings a smile to the Latino's face...

The Blue Paladin wasn't stupid, he knew all too well what these emotions were, and it's because he knew what they were he is avoiding the short tempered hottie.

Lance knew he had fallen for his rival, the very guy he butted heads with regularly.

Lance, a long time ago, found out he was bisexual, with the help of an ex boyfriend from Earth...

Jack Novan...

An incredibly handsome, deep brown eyed, long silky blonde haired guy who gunned for Lance the moment they met eyes, the blond teen immediately flirted with him as soon as his sister, Lance's girl best friend, introduced them to each other. Lance eventually gave in after a while and went on a date with Jack, with the permission of Tay (Jacks little sister), and soon after became boyfriends.

The loving and earnest relationship lasted Several wonderful months, yet sadly, ended due to Jack having to move away because of his choice of College...

With a distressed shake of his head, Lance ran his shaking fingers through his already dishevelled hair, thinking of Jack wouldn't help the situation, although he couldn't help but think back to how simple the relationship with the good looking blond was... whereas with Keith... Lance could barley contain himself... the level of love he has for Keith was extreme, way stronger then the love he had felt for Jack...


Snapping his head towards the sleepily gruff voice, Lance instantaneously felt a rush of compassion and a deep feeling of affection run through his body, he had somehow found himself in front of the room belonging to the very person who plagued his mind.

"U-uh, good morning mullet... W-wait its night... I should g-go and c-check cause y'know sleep is important... but so is p-punctuality... because ma-"

"Lance are you okay?"

Baby Daddies -KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now