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My name is Lauren Michelle Jauregui, I'm 21 years old, And i'm currently applying for a job at the Miami State Mental Institution/Asylum. 

I've only had to take this job because well, it pays pretty well for a nurse and therapist. And i need the money. So why not just apply for this job, i'm sure its not a problem right?

But i was wrong. I was terribly wrong. Having to get into the large iron gates by i.d and valid information was a huge struggle. 

This place was a nut house. Well, its an asylum. The insides were huge. I looked around, wondering where the main office was. I also saw some patients out, their hands tied or covered. Their faces masked or mouths covered by a strong band. But they didnt seem catch my eye, like one did.

In the far corner my gaze came across a woman who was alone, her knees up to her chest as she hid her face behind her brunette hair. I didnt realize she was looking back at me until i saw her face clearly.

I saw her eyes clearly, they were hungry for attention. I began to walk towards the hallway. I walked quickly but as i did, i felt eyes on me. I turned around, she was still on my tail. Only this time, she was standing right behind me. "um...may i help you?" i ask her. She remained silent, instead she only walked towards me. 

I tried to keep calm, but she gives me a certain fear that i should stay away from her. Once she was about as close to me...which was inches away from my own body. I felt her index finger run across the skin of my right arm. She then walked around me. What is she doing?

I then felt heavy breathing on the crook of my neck. The heat of it gave me chills, even goosebumps began to form in my arms. "We are looking forward to have you, Ms. Jauregui." 



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