The Battle

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"Pitch! Let her go!" I shout. I watch as he grins, he planned this, I know it.

"Jack Frost, what an unpleasant surprise to see you." he chuckles. I watch as a girl steps out of the shadows. She has ebony black hair, corpse grey skin and piercing yellow eyes. She is pretty but I know this can't be her real image, she carries a very identical resemblance to Pitch, which means he probably took her over. She needs help.

I watch as she smirks and cocks her hip to the side placing a hand over it. She says evil and satisfaction all over, but her eyes don't.

They are pleading for help and look scared and lost. Almost helpless.

"So this...Is Jack Frost!? The great winter spirit, newly founded guardian, I expected he be cuter..." She smirks. Her voice is almost demonic like Pitch is part of her.

"Pitch, what does she have to do with anything!?" I yell as he disappears in his shadows once again.

"You coward! Fight your own battles don't bring in someone who isn't immortal or guilty of anything!" I cry shooting ice pointlessly at the walls.

"If you feel that way then here, catch her or else she falls to her death." He says disappearing. I watch as her body goes limp and falls from a shadow.

I manage to manipulate wind and hook the end of my staff onto a broken ledge. She hold out my free arm and grab her waist before she passes me.

She whimpers and it's then I hear her true voice, not a demonic one that sounds forced it mechanic. It's soft and angelic.

"Help me." She says with pain then passes out again.

What on earth did I just get myself into?


Don't worry, more updates on the way, love ya snowflakes. ❄️

Jelsa Falling Like A SnowflakeWhere stories live. Discover now