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"NORTH! " I shout as I race throughly the wind. I carry the girl in my arms bridal style and switch my attention from her to the sky.

North better thank me for this, he didn't need to snap at me, what was that even about?

I hear her whimper again and I begin to panic.

"Please me alright! Just hold on! We are almost there!"

I switch my posture to a standing position and bring my feet outward to land. I run and bust through the workshop doors.

The guardians bring their attention towards me, shock written all over them.

"Jack! Where were y- Jack....what happened?" Tooth exclaims covering her mouth flying backwards slightly.

"No time to explain right now! Bunny! Tooth! Help me!" I say running to the room North had given me.

I carefully lay the girl down on my bed and watch as Tooth aids her. Bunny just comes up from behind me, excepting an explanation.

"Jack, what happened?" He says in a serious manner. "I didn't do anything I swear! I stormed off from getting yelled at by North about the whole Pitch thing, I went back to his hideout for clues only to discover he was still there."

Bunny nodded for me to continue." He has a new sign, instead of a bed, it's a broken dreamcatcher.

I went down to investigate and I heard talking, it sounded like a girl was fighting ....with herself. Naturally I went deeper in but remained hidden. I found her conversing with Pitch, I knew something was wrong with the girl because A. She was arguing with herself B. She had a very strong resemblance to Pitch incase you haven't noticed. C. Her voice sounded forced and mechanical like it wasn't her talking. Must I go on?" I ask, he nods slightly.

" Pitch, as I may have expected, was waiting for one of us clearly. I argued with him into letting our mystery girl alone and he agreed disappearing dropping her from a dangerous height asleep. So there, now can I have an apology?" I sigh angrily.

"No, what you can do is make sure she doesn't escape and watch over her Frost." He says leaving with Tooth.

Why me?!? Why do I have to watch over her?!?

I glance at the clock and sigh. She doesn't look awake yet, might as well pass the time.

I jump out the window and create a dome around the perimeter of the workshop, and large one if I might add. I jump effortlessly upon the many ledges and find my way inside my room, the process took about an hour, and she still looks the same, besides a blue silk robe that dresses her besides her original clothes I found her in, Tooth hates dark colors she must have done it.

I make my way to the balcony that's a few rooms down and lean against the railing. I look at Manny who is in full view through my ice.

"Manny? I know your probably not gonna respond but I just need someone to talk to, or at. " no response, I sigh and continue.

"Look, I just don't get it, company I mean. I seek for it and crave it, yet it's not the same with the guardians or kids, it's like, it's not the company I want. ........Does that even make sense? Just, help me out. Please show me a sign, anything." I pleaded. Nothing.

I let out a shaky sigh then pull my hood up and entangle my staff within my arms as I fold them and lean against the railing again.


I wake up and wait for my eyes to adjust, I'm in a room that has a cold presence, winter theme, and is blue. But it's not mine.

I struggle to get up and make my way around the room. Looking at stuff carefully not to touch anything. This room looks more advanced and expensive then mine does. I glance at a mirror, I see my reflection.

Platinum blonde hair, icy blue eyes, pale skin, faint freckles, I sigh knowing that my original appearance is back. I look down to see I'm in my undergarments and a blue silk robe with a hood. No shoes, yet for some reason, it doesn't bother me.

I try creating a snowflake, but every time I try I feel a wave of exhaustion hit me, this is just great. I can't use my powers right now.

I walk out the door and I hear chatter going around. I walk into a room and see four unlikely characters I would have never expected to see. I recognize them from my old fairy tale books.

You had a large intimidating man with blue eyes of wonder that showed kindness suggesting it was Santa, obviously the large Kangaroo Bunny was the Easter Bunny. The golden man who looked dazed off floating was who I believed to be the Sandman, and the women with beautiful feathers like a humming bird would carry upon them had to be the tooth fairy.

I am spotted by the Bunny who clears his throat and gestures towards my direction. I blush slightly when all eyes land on me. I never liked attention.

The man who I still believe is Santa walks up and embraces me in a hug that could kill a child within a second.

"North? North! Stop, your gonna kill the poor girl!" I hear the girl who I assume is the tooth fairy exclaim. She pulls who I now know as North away.

I sigh heavily then give him a faint smile. I watch as his eyes brighten along with his smile.

"Well, I'm Toothina the tooth fairy but please call me Tooth, that large rabbit over there is Bunnymund the Easter Bunny-" he steps in front of us, cutting her off.

"Nice to meet ya mate, call me Bunny." He says as a boomerang whizzes past me and Tooth into his palm, or paw.... He doesn't even care to glance at the boomerang that he now held.

"Anyways before I was interpreted...Bunny....The small man with golden dust asleep in Sandman or Sandy, he doesn't talk though. No one knows why. " she says shrugging.

"And we, are the guardians!" North bellows spreading his arms outwards. I laugh a little by his big gesture. "All four of you are guardians? That's amazing!" I say looking at all of them.

"Actually, there is five of us, the one missing is the one who saved you. He might be letting off steam right now, I would check around until you see a balcony. Wait, your name?" North asks.

I turn around and smile. "Elsa Winter Arendelle."

Jelsa Falling Like A SnowflakeWhere stories live. Discover now