1.2 - Flicker - Coffee

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And here we are. On our way to a coffee shop!

'Sky... What are we doing in West Hollywood? There's like 20 coffee shops Downtown! Why did we drive half an hour to have coffee in West Hollywood?' I question.

'Well, someone recommended this place and I just wanted to see what's so special about it.' He explains.

After we order, we sit in a booth, and our regular topics just flow in, joking and laughing. But for some reason, I feel nervous, like I'm anticipating something is going to happen. I'm not gonna pretend that I don't know exactly where I am. We are in one of the coffee shops, in West Hollywood, where Niall was seen recently. It's not like I'm expecting him to just walk in. But to my surprise, and everyone around me, he actually does! Niall James Horan is in the same coffee shop as I am. I'm looking at him, just walking towards the counter to place his order. There's so much noise since the place is full of people, so I can't hear him. But I can't help staring at him. He's so beautiful and pure. If he can just turn around so I can see him smile. I can't believe he's actually here! I probably have the stupidest smile on my face right now, and they're probably mocking me but I can't even hear them. I just see Niall right now, paying for his coffee and walking to the other side where they pick up the orders. I can see his side profile now. He looks happy!

'Hey! Earth to Ivy! Hello?' Mels calls.

'What?' I ask.

'Who's that girl he's with?' She asks me.

'What? Oh, she's just Tara his personal assistant. They're just friends.'

'Well, what are you still doing here? Go talk to him!' Sky pressures.

'What? No! He's busy, or in a hurry or something I don't want to bother him!'

'Are you kidding me! You spent half an hour talking about how great he is and now that he's actually here you're gonna do nothing?' Red shouts.

'Shh! Keep your voice down!' I scold, 'What do you want me to do? Walk up there and say what? Hi Niall?'

'Umm... yeah? What's the worst thing that could happen?' Red say.

'He could hear me!'

'Oh come on, just go say hi, and that you're a fan and you love his work and stuff, he'll hug you and you'll take a picture and that's it.' Mels explains.

'You don't get it. I don't want to be just another fan he'd forget about six seconds after I leave.'

'Ivy, you do realise this is not one of your fanfictions, right? He's not gonna take one look at you and suddenly fall in love with you and you'll start dating and he'll take you on his private jet and fly you to Rome or whatever!' Red cautions.

I don't say anything, I'm just admiring the way he's sipping his coffee, the way he's sitting on the chair, the way he's talking to her. I wish it was me he was looking at and talking to. Oh no, he's looking that way! I quickly turn away looking at Sky who's talking.

'Oh, she's actually hoping that's exactly what will happen. Either way, you have to talk to him!'

'Yeah, go talk to him! It'll be fine he's very sweet! You know that better than anyone else.' Mels encourages me.

'Just let it go guys.' I insist and go back to looking at Niall on the other side of the shop.

'Fine if you're not going then I'm going for you!' Red says standing up. I push him back down glaring at him. 

'No one is talking to him. Finish your coffees so we can go.'

As I say this, Niall stands up and starts walking towards the door. He's leaving. Just like that. And at that moment, something just sparked in my mind. I just can't sit here, while he's just walking away.

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