Chapter Five: Impulse - Welcome back

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Ivy's Night

After a frustrating goodbye moment at the airport, I meet up with Red who's taking me home. I honestly still not entirely sure if I'm gonna see him again. I know he said that I will, and we're supposed to have movie night on Saturday, but I'm still worried I guess. I can't wait till I'm home alone to see what's in the locket.

When I got there, as expected, Mels and Sky were already there, using the spare key I gave Mels in case of emergencies.

'Welcome back!' They all cheer, hugs going all around.

We sit around in the living room, munching on pizza and drinking sodas and beers.

'So Mels told us you've been hanging out with Niall?' Red questions.

'Yeah, we met in the plane on our way to London. Some girl was being rude so I told her off and Niall overheard so he came over to thank me and we started talking and got along well. And we hung out a few times since then. We got really close'

'How close? Do I need to punch him? I don't care if he's a celebrity if he hurt you I'm punching!' Red defends.

'Would you calm down! He didn't! He's the sweetest and kindest person ever! He wouldn't hurt a fly!

'Okay. So any idea how he feels about you?'

'Well we never really talked about it directly, we just kept beating around the bush. But we both really care about each other. According to what he said, I think we're getting in too deep too fast and it's really scary because it's a new experience. So I don't know what's going to happen next.  I still have a feeling that it's just a foreign fling and it's ended. Even though I'm seeing him again Saturday and he assured me that it's not the case.'

'And what's this locket?' Sky asks curiously

'It's a gift from Niall! Isn't it beautiful!'

'Yes! It's so pretty!' Mels gushes

'What's inside?' Red asks

'It's empty for now. It's like a symbol of all the things that are yet to come.'

I lied because Niall doesn't want to share the content with anyone else but me and I respect that. I knew that if I told them I don't know what's inside they'd wanna open it up. I try to distract myself to not get anxious. I'm very happy my friends are here, I missed them, but honestly can't wait till they're gone so that I can figure out what's inside.

'So do how do you feel about him? Do you like him?'

'I mean she obviously does! She literally got stars in her eyes!' Mels notices.

'It's too soon, but I really honestly think I'm starting to fall in love with him. And I hate that cause I'm sure he doesn't feel the same. He's Niall Horan for god's sakes! He's not gonna fall in love with me! He'll move on sooner or later. And he'll forget about me.'

'Don't assume thing you know nothing about.' Sky advises.

'That reminds me! Sky...?'


'Anything you want to say? Admit? Or confess maybe?' I ask.

'Umm, no?' He says confused.

'Alright. But I'm on to you. You watch your back!'


The night went on, we caught up, watched movies, laughed. And eventually, at 1 AM they were finally gone. I'm exhausted and sleepy, I should go to sleep but there's something more important. I sit on my bed, take off the locket and finally open it. A small memory card falls down, like the ones you put in your phone. I don't have an adapter so I'm just gonna have to put in in my phone. I get my phone, take my card off and replace with the one from the locket. While it loads, I look back to the inside of the locket to see if I missed anything. On the left side, there's the selfie we took together in Hyde Park. On the right side, in his handwriting, I read for all the times that have passed and the ones yet to come. I am on the verge of tearing up, this is simply beautiful. I open the only file in the card on my phone. A song, by Niall, with our photo as the cover. I'm listening to Niall's soft peaceful voice, paying attention to every single word. A tear slipping away from my eye.

Niall's night

I meet up with Fred at the airport after saying goodbye to Ivy. It was bittersweet, I hated leaving her, but I know I'll see her again Saturday, it's just I wish it would be sooner, but I have too much work in the studio, I don't think I'll be able to get out much. I mean I could have her over at night, but she deserves my 100% attention not a half-asleep zombie at the end of a long work day. We get to my house and soon enough, Shawn joins us.

'So, Shall we call her?' Shawn said suddenly.

'Call who?' I asked confused.

'Ivy! You told us before you left, when you get back, if you don't call her, we have the green light to meddle. So let's call her.'

'Oh! Right! I didn't tell you guys! She was actually on the same flight to London, so I talked to her, we hung out every night, and came back together. So yeah. No need to call. She's busy with her friends anyway, I don't want to bother even though I miss her and I kinda want to talk to her.'

'That's amazing!' Shawn gushes.

'So you're like together now? Like dating?' Fred asks.

'Well, we didn't really define the relationship yet. But we both have very strong feelings for each other. Bordering on dependence. At least on my part. Although she did say that she's getting attached to me. But she also thinks that to me that was it and that I'll never talk to her again, even though we're hanging out Saturday night.'

'Saturday night? Man those are our night! I'm going back on tour in 3 weeks!' Shawn complained.

'We'll hang out Friday, or Sunday. What's the difference.'

'Alright. But did you explain to her that you're crazy about her literally? And that you're not going away anytime soon?' Fred asks.

'Briefly, I did give her a Locket though, and I put in it one of the songs I wrote about her from the new album.'

'Really? Do you trust her with that? What if she leaks it?' Shawn questions.

'Mate, I trust her with my life. She's very respectful when it comes to things like that, and she's very caring. She's gonna keep it to herself. I mean I hated asked her to do that, but I had to mention it just in case, I told her that the content of the locket shouldn't be shared with anyone else, and she was okay with that. I trust her.'

'Which song was it again? You did like 3 about her at least.' Shawn asks.

'Wait let me guess. It's "Secret" isn't it?' Fred guesses.

'Of course it is.'

'Don't you think it's too soon to let her in on how crazy for her you are? I mean won't you be scaring her away.' Fred asks.

'I'd rather have her knowing how much invested I am in this, her, than thinking it was just a fling.'

'But still, it's the two extremes. I'm just not sure it's the right move.' Shawn argues.

'She can handle it. You see, she's not a regular girl. She's different, brilliant, and so much more than meets the eye. She's the one. And so, she'll accept me, for better or for worse.'

'Alright, when this flop, we'll be here with food and drinks!' They say in comfort.

'It's not gonna flop.' I insist.

'We'll see'

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