Chapter Four: Bliss - Nando's

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Ivy's POV

I finish my day at the 3-day event, at 3 PM just like scheduled, and I find Niall waiting for me at the entrance of the venue. I mean I knew we agreed to hang out after I was done, but I didn't think he'd be waiting for me.

'You're here early!' I say.

'Well, I've got a lot planned out today. So the earlier the better!'

'Sounds exciting! But, food first I'm starving!'

'Wouldn't expect it any other way. Why are you hungry though? Please tell me you ate something today!'

'Umm... not really not...'

'Why not!' He says half angry half worried. I have to admit he's very hot when he's angry but I'll never let him know that.

'Well, I don't generally have breakfast. And the food they served, well I just didn't feel like eating any of it.'

'I don't like it when you don't eat.'

'I always eat when I'm with you!'

'Yeah, but I don't want you to starve yourself behind my back!'

'I'm not! I swear! If I see something I want to eat, I eat it. I don't say no if I want to say yes. But if I'm just not hungry then it shouldn't be an issue right?'

'I guess...'

'So where are we going to eat?' I ask him, more cheerfully.

'I realised something this morning!' He gushes.


'I can't believe I didn't take you to Nando's yet! Have you ever tried it before?'

'Wow! How did I completely forgot about that! I've never been to Nando's! I always thought if you and I were ever to meet and become friends, one of the first things we'd do is go to Nando's!'

I said friends. I mean I obviously like him, but I don't know if he likes me too. He might, because he's so attentive to everything I do, but that could be who he is, I don't want to misread anything. I don't want to keep my hopes up. What are the chances that The Niall Horan, is interested in me like that? I mean when we're together he's not The Niall Horan, just Niall, but still, he meets tons of beautiful girls on a daily basis. I'm not sure how it could be possible. He didn't say anything. He's focused on the driving, but he's deep in his thoughts. I hope he doesn't think I'm friend-zoning him. I don't know how to fix this.

Niall's POV

She thinks we're friends. I mean we are, but I was hoping she thought of those as more of dates than just two friends hanging out. I mean we did have a moment yesterday when we were at the London Eye, no? Should I let her know that I want to be more than just friends? I mean I don't mind being friends with her, as long as she's always near me and I always get to hear her voice and see her beautiful face. I don't think I can live without her. Which is weird because not 2 months ago, I was perfectly fine without her, not even looking for anything serious. But then I met her and everything changed. I can be friends with her. I wouldn't be able to kiss her though. But it's fine there are things more important. But I don't think I could stand seeing her with any other guy. It would break my heart. But I can't stop her from that. Unless I tell her how I feel. But it's too soon. I'll wait till we're back in LA and ask Fred and Shawn for advice. Meanwhile, I'll make the best out of our time here.

After getting to Nando's and placing our order. I decide to speak up again.

'So, tell me something, Ivy.'

'Am I happy in this modern world?'

Ivy's POV

He laughed at that! Glad he recognised the song lyrics. I mean he does like this song a lot. I love it when I make him laugh.

'Would you hate me if I tell you I didn't like that movie? I think it was a bit predictable...'

He has a shocked look on his face but then he smiles and says, 'I mean I could never hate you, and everyone is entitled an opinion. But can't say I agree with you. Sorry...'

I laugh lightly, 'It's okay like you said, everyone has an opinion it's fine.'

'So you don't like musicals?' He asks.

'It's a love-hate relationship really. I either really love it and get obsessed with it and listen to the songs over and over again like with The Greatest Showman. Or I can't stand it and might not even get through the whole thing. It's like there's no middle ground.'

'The Great Showman was great! I kinda wanna watch it again! Maybe we can do it together? When we're back to LA?'

'Yeah! Sounds like a great idea! Oh! And we can have all kinds of snacks and popcorn and pizza! Like a full-on movie night!'

'Perfect! I'll let you know when, after we land tomorrow. I'll be a bit busy though. Lots of hours at the studio! Gotta finish the album soon!'

'Yeah, I understand. Take your time. I don't want to be a burden. It's okay if you're too busy to hang out with me. I don't want you to feel obligated to do so.'

'What are you talking about? I love being with you! I want to see you and talk to you all the time! You'd never be a burden! Please never think like that again! You're so important to me. More than you know. More than it makes sense. How about this. The first weekend, I make sure I get the night off and we'll spend Saturday night together. Okay?'

'Alright. Thank you.'

'What for?' He asks.

'I mean, I really love seeing you and talking with you. And I feel really special that I get to do exactly that because there are so many people that want the exact same thing. So I guess thank you for giving me that chance and also for enjoying my company and actually seeking it. And I get that it doesn't make sense. If you knew the things that go on in my mind...'

'Tell me!'

'I would if I could. But I wouldn't know how to put it into words. It's all too... overwhelming? Like, I'm still trying to make sense of it all? But when I do you'll be the first one to know.'

Niall's POV

What does that even mean? Maybe she doesn't know what she wants. Maybe she's not sure if she wants to be just friends or more. Hopefully it's that and hopefully, she'll figure it out soon. I wish I knew how I can help her make more sense into it. I really don't know what to do. But I hope she feels comfortable talking to me about it.

'You trust me right? You know you can always tell me anything and it wouldn't make me think of you any less.' I ask her.

'Yes I do and I know. Same goes for me. Anything you want to talk about I'll always be here to listen and support you. And I know you're 2 years older than me but I've been told I'm very wise and give the best advice so yeah, I'll do my best to help you however I can!'

She's so caring. I feel safe around her. Which is scary. Like I feel like I've known her my entire life. But the truth is I don't. I'm still getting to know her. I'm building it up so high but I'm afraid that at some point I will fall. It's a long way down from here.

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