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Ryan's limbs screamed in protest as he continued to run. He was tired, but Patrick's pursuing footsteps refused to let him stop. If Patrick caught him, he just knew it would be bad.

The running had taken him in circles. It seemed like endless circles. Everything looked the same. There was no distinction in the tunnels here.  It felt inevitable that he would be caught.

Ryan fell from the ceiling, collapsing into a small heap as he panted for breath. He was so tired...

He forced himself back to his feet. He started slow, but began to build speed again. He couldn't be caught. Brendon wouldn't want him caught. Brendon usually protected him, but right now he had to protect himself. To do that, he had to keep running.

However, Ryan began to slow again when he saw light pouring into the tunnel ahead. Was it morning? Had he been running all night? He continued forward, making sure to listen for Patrick's now distance pursuit.

Light didn't hurt vampires. Ryan remembered Brendon telling him that. It was a myth, like turning into bats. (A fact that saddened Ryan upon learning. It could happen, but only extremely strong vampires could.) It could sting, but it didn't kill. It was more blinding to eyes adjusted to the dark, which could be disorienting.

Ryan tried to remember what else Brendon had told him, but he was so tired that it was hard to focus. He was usually asleep when there was daylight... Maybe. He had never been so close to the edge of the tunnels at light. He had never left the tunnels since turning. The tunnels were safety. The outside was not.

Unfortunately for Ryan, the tunnels weren't too safe at the moment. He continued towards the light, picking up speed as he went. He flinched at the light as it grew brighter. It really did hurt. His skin began to prickle as well.

When he hit the corner that the light bled around, he came to a complete stop.  He was blinded by the brightness in front of him. He brought his arms up to shield his face with a hiss.

He couldn't go out there. It was horrible. Was Brendon sure it wouldn't kill a vampire?

"Oh, Ryan!"

Ryan stiffened. Patrick was back on his trail. He needed to get out of there. He needed to go further into the light.

"Don't be mad, Beebo." Ryan whispered to himself before forcing his feet forward.

The light only grew more intense as Ryan pushed forward. He couldn't see where he was going. He was moving blind with one arm attempting to shield from the light while the other stretched in front of him to keep him from bumping anything. He had to shut his eyes from the intensity of it.

After a certain point, the prickling on his skin became a mild stinging. He dropped to the ground, crawling along soft dirt until he bumped into a wall. He spun to press his back against it before opening his eyes.

The light still burned his eyes, but he could feel them adjusting to it. Slowly, the outline of the tunnel's exit came into view. Then the wall around it. Then the dark dirt on the ground that had small patches of green rising through it. Ryan awed at the sight of it all. It had been so long since he had seen anything outside. It was almost like his crayon drawings brought to life.

"Where are you?" The voice booked from the tunnels, deep and terrifying.

Ryan snapped out of his admiration and scrambled to his feet. He had to get out of here. He had to keep running.

He followed the wall that he had been leaned against without looking back.

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